Assignment pics

Discover a collection of creative and inspiring assignment pics that will ignite your imagination. Get ideas and inspiration for your next project and take your work to the next level.
Saw a pin about how they are so engrossed in writing their dissertation, “to work so hard in something and see it blossom”. I wanted to feel this way about my assignment too so i captured this pic and made it my wallpaper. I wish i had started earlier because it wasn’t as bad as i dreaded it to be. I had fun writing it and there was so much to learn. I felt the words pour out into the keyboard like i was being assessed about my knowledge of the entire subject. It was great.🔖 Assessment, Keyboard, Assignment Work, My Wallpaper, Cool Writing, I Wish I Had, Made It, Subjects, Blossom

Saw a pin about how they are so engrossed in writing their dissertation, “to work so hard in something and see it blossom”. I wanted to feel this way about my assignment too so i captured this pic and made it my wallpaper. I wish i had started earlier because it wasn’t as bad as i dreaded it to be. I had fun writing it and there was so much to learn. I felt the words pour out into the keyboard like i was being assessed about my knowledge of the entire subject. It was great.🔖

Muhammad Hashir