Awkward yeti comics

Get ready to laugh out loud with these hilarious Awkward Yeti comics. Explore a collection of relatable and funny comics that will surely bring a smile to your face.
Humour, Akward Yeti, Heart And Brain Comic, Anatomy Humor, Heart Vs Brain, Awkward Yeti, The Awkward Yeti, Medical Memes, Heart And Brain

Your nose and your tongue work together to deliver sensory information to your brain, and even though they rarely get to meet these two facial friends really rely on each other.But sometimes tongues get stuck out in derision and noses are stuck in the air, and we're forced to bring the two together with the ultimate unifying force- pizza.The power of pizza- The Awkward Yeti totally gets it.-Via Geeks Are Sexy...

Sandra Estrada
Gut Feeling - Neatorama Humour, Akward Yeti, Heart And Brain Comic, Sarcastic Humour, Awkward Yeti, The Awkward Yeti, Heart And Brain, Online Comics, Emotional Freedom

We are aware of the ongoing struggle between the heart and the brain, but there are other organs that can throw a wrench into our perception of the world around us. Heart and Brain are discussing the morning news when Bowels has a gut feeling. And you know what happens when the gut feeling wins out over brains… that’s how you get killer clowns! Not to mention nasty political campaigns. This is the latest from Nick Seluk at The Awkward Yeti....
