Fra angelico paintings

Immerse yourself in the timeless beauty of Fra Angelico paintings. Discover the intricate details and vibrant colors that bring Renaissance art to life. Experience the awe-inspiring masterpieces of this legendary artist.
fra angelico/san marco monastery, florence Giovanni Boldini, Istoria Artei, Fra Angelico, Italian Paintings, Art Sacre, Joan Miro, Catholic Art, San Marco, Medieval Art

Fra Angelico, "Annunciation" 1438-1445. Museo di San Marco, Firenze. This Renaissance fresco painted by Fra Angelico shows a moment which is quite crucial to the fast approaching Christmas holiday: The moment when Archangel Gabriel gave Mary a message that must have seemed quite overwhelming to her. She is visited by an angel who either is about to tell her - or just has told her - some pretty devastating news. But she looks so calm. And her simple surroundings - the barren walls and the…

Alan Moyes