German artists

Explore the impressive creations of German artists and immerse yourself in their unique styles. Find inspiration and discover new talents from the vibrant world of German art.
Tela, Weimar, Gabriele Münter, Women Artist, Blue Rider, Abstract Art Images, August Macke, Tableaux Vivants, Haitian Art

Gabriele Münter, German painter who was closely affiliated with the artists’ group Der Blaue Reiter (“The Blue Rider”). Münter studied the piano throughout her youth. In 1902 she entered the Phalanx School of art in Munich, Germany, where within a year she began to attend classes in still life and

Weimar, New Objectivity, Otto Dix, Tableaux Vivants, Franz Marc, Famous Pictures, German Expressionism, Wassily Kandinsky, Art Moderne

Otto Dix has been perhaps more influential than any other German painter in shaping the popular image of the Weimar Republic of the 1920s. His works are key parts of the New Objectivity movement, which also attracted George Grosz and Max Beckmann in the mid 1920s. A veteran haunted by his experiences of WWI, his first great subjects were crippled soldiers, but during the height of his career he also painted nudes, prostitutes, and often savagely satirical portraits of celebrities from…

Francisco Ferreyra
Record Players, Ludwig Meidner, Karl Hofer, George Grosz, Degenerate Art, Franz Marc, German Expressionism, Expressionist Painting, German Art

oil on canvas, 1939 German Karl Hofer (1878 - 1955) Characteristic of Karl Hofer's paintings, The Record Player depicts a single figure set in a domestic interior. The figure's isolation and blank expression, combined with Hofer's somber palatte, create a tone of melancholy that is typical throughout his work. Some historians point to the disturbing qualities of Hofer's pantings as indicative of his disillusionment with the social and political climate in germany at the time. Just a few…

Michał panasiewicz