Out manga

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is a Japanese manga series written and illustrated by Boichi. The plot tells the story of Ken, a high school delinquent turned down by the girl he loved, Yumin, who promptly left Japan to become a police officer in Korea. Yearning to see the girl he loved, Ken dropped out of high school to travel to Korea and become an officer just like Yumin. Although Ken has new dreams of leaving behind his life of violence and become a police officer like Yumin, Ken gets roped into gang life once more. Manga Illustrations, Boichi Manga, Ken Rock, Sun Ken Rock, Manga Artist, Art Anime, Manga Illustration, Anime Sketch, Drawing Poses

is a Japanese manga series written and illustrated by Boichi. The plot tells the story of Ken, a high school delinquent turned down by the girl he loved, Yumin, who promptly left Japan to become a police officer in Korea. Yearning to see the girl he loved, Ken dropped out of high school to travel to Korea and become an officer just like Yumin. Although Ken has new dreams of leaving behind his life of violence and become a police officer like Yumin, Ken gets roped into gang life once more.
