Pro communism

Explore the principles and advantages of communism to gain a deeper understanding of this political ideology. Discover how communism aims to create a fair and equal society for all.
China | Chinese Posters | Japanese Propaganda, Posters Japanese, Chinese Propaganda Posters, Japanese Occupation, Chinese Propaganda, Wwii Propaganda Posters, Historical Nonfiction, Old Posters, Ww2 Propaganda

Chinese Poster "Eradicate Redness" | An imaginary pro-Japanese demonstration, with Chinese carrying slogans: Eliminate Redness (剷除赤化); Long Live North-China; Forward China Japan Manchukuo; Peace in East Asia; Down with the Communist Party (打倒共產黨, Dadao Gongchandang); Have full confidence in the Japanese Army (絕對信任日軍); Peace and happiness; A bright North China; Down with the Guomindang army (打倒黨軍, Dadao dang jun).This poster was probably produced in Japan or in the Japan-dominated puppet…
