Sports pictures display

Showcase your favorite sports moments with these creative display ideas. Transform your space into a gallery of memories with unique ways to showcase your sports pictures.
Notes From Nessa : DIY Picture Ledges Trendy Dining Room, Picture Shelves, Picture Ledge, Diy Casa, Decoracion Living, Diy Picture, Diy Shelves, Decoration Design, Decor Room

Pinterest got me once again... I was seeing pins all over my feed of beautiful picture ledges. I had a large blank wall going down my hallway, that was calling me to fill it with pictures. I knew that I was too much of a perfectionist and that Tyson strongly disliked hanging things, to have the patience to hang a gallery wall. Nailing each picture up individually, was a disaster waiting to happen. When I stumbled upon a DIY picture ledge tutorial, I knew I had found my match. It seemed…

Regina Risinger