Vata dosha yoga poses

Discover yoga poses that help balance Vata Dosha and bring harmony to your mind and body. Incorporate these poses into your daily practice for a sense of grounding and tranquility.
Vata is the foundation of our sense of wellbeing, so it is imperative to keep this Dosha balanced. Vata constitutes the vitality and is responsible for governing all motor functions in the body at both a microscopic and macroscopic level. How To Balance Vata Dosha, Vata Dosha Daily Routines, Vata Dosha Diet, Stop Period Cramps, Doshas Ayurveda, Vata Ayurveda, Vata Pacifying, Pitta Dosha Diet, Ayurveda Vata Dosha

The physiological and psychological characteristics vary depending on which Dosha is predominant. Vata, the energy of movement, is highest during fall and between seasons. Hence, it is important to be careful of diet and lifestyle as the seasons change. In addition to governing movements in our body, Vata controls the activities of the nervous system, and the process of eliminating toxins. Read more... #vatadosha #ayurvedichealth #healthylifestyle
