Vikings tv

Immerse yourself in the thrilling world of Vikings TV series. Explore the fierce warriors, gripping storylines, and captivating historical setting. Join the adventure now!
Galvin Landvik Gardvar, noveno hijo de Ragnarok y Astrid, 7 años. Comparte gran parecido físico con su madre Astrid por su melena larga y pelirroja pero en carácter no se parecen en nada: es silencioso y observador, y suele pasar inadvertido. Conocido como "el discreto" por no hablar con nadie. Su nombre significa "gorrión". Vikings Season 4, Sons Of Ragnar, Viking King, Giant People, Vikings Show, King Ragnar, Viking Series, Viking Metal, Vikings Tv Series


This article is about The Third Son of Ragnar Lothbrok. For Rangnar's Father, see Sigurd Hring. Sigurd Ragnarsson, also known as Sigurd "Snake-in-the-Eye," is the third son of Ragnar and Aslaug. Aslaug had prophesied that he would be born with the image of the serpent-dragon Fafnir in his eye, the same one her father Sigurd killed. When he was born so, Aslaug named him "Sigurd Snake-in-the-Eye" after her father and the mark in his eye. He was seen in the Great Hall playing with his brothers…

Jennifer Porras García