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the benefits of bay leaves for hair and body care info sheet with instructions on how to use them
Here are 6 ways to Use Bay Leaves in Rituals!
a poster explaining how to make a living money bowl with plants and potted seedlings
A living money bowl 🌱
A fun twist on the standard money bowl. I like this method because: 1. You get a pretty plant to look at (yay plants!) 2. Actively keeping a plant alive reminds you to keep those goals at the front of your mind helping to keep you focused! What are your favorite money bowl ingredients?
Counting Crows, Crow Meaning, Crow Significance, Witchcraft, Spirituality, Mythology, Familiar Crow Significance, River Spirits Witchcraft, Counter Clockwise Witchcraft, One Crow Meaning, The Hour Of Witchery, Raven Meaning Spiritual, Animals In Witchcraft, Names That Mean Crow, Number Of Crows Meaning
Counting Crows, Crow Meaning, Crow Significance, Witchcraft, Spirituality, Mythology, Familiar
Counting Crows, Crow Meaning, Crow Significance, Witchcraft, Spirituality, Mythology, Familiar
the four types of water in jars with words above them that read, the hour of wrigley magic water properties
Magical Water Properties for Rituals & Spells
Magical Water Properties for Rituals & Spells