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a poster with the words lenson on it and an image of a red background
Type Poster series
Type Poster series on Behance
an image of the cover of a book with letters and numbers in purple, red and black
Century Schoolbook Poster
Century Schoolbook Poster by Haley Renken, via Behance
a poster with the letter s in red and black on it's front cover
Sabon Typeface Poster Initial Digital Comp 1
an image of the title page for this book
15 примеров оригинальной печатной верстки
15 примеров оригинальной печатной верстки
the back side of a black and white poster with words written in cursive font
the font and numbers used in this poster are all black with white letters on them
I really like the architectural elements of this design. I feel that the form in type is real structural.
an image of the words typography written in black and orange on a piece of paper
Anatomy of Typography
The Anatomy of Typography