Elements of Art

Madhan Kumar | Artist | Drawing | Painting | Learn How to Draw ! Elements of Art and Principles of Art are the Basics and Foundation of Art Lessons. The…
54 Pins
collection of ink drawings at SAATCHI ART, micro pigment ink on paper, inspired by long walks in nature, magic of trees and roots, buy originals and art prints #forest #drawing #tree #saatchiart #original #blackandwhite #nature #wood #art #artprint

Elements of Art Texture

1 Pin
Line is the first element of art and an important one. Lines are categorized differently depending on how it appears or made. Some of the examples of lines are Straight Line, Curved Line, Horizontal Line, Vertical Line, Diagonal Line, Zig zag line. Lines are also categorized based on its function, some of it are horizon line, orthogonal line, implied line, hatching line, crossing line etc. I have explained all this in my post, which you can check. #elementsofart #elementsofartlines #lines
What is Line in the Elements of Art?

Elements of Art Line

7 Pins
Repetition, Pattern, and Rhythm | Interaction Design Foundation (IxDF)

Principles of Art Rhythm

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a painting with the words 7 elements of art in front of it and an image of buildings
The 7 Elements of Art and How to Master Them
If you want to start an art blog or just deepen your understanding of art, knowing the seven elements of art is a great place to start. This guide breaks down each one in easy-to-understand terms with examples from famous artists.
the cover of an art book, elements of art value
What is Value in Art?
Composition is an important aspect of art. In this blog post, we discuss the value – which is a crucial element of composition. Learn about how values are created and what the different types of value scales are. If you're curious about elements of art value, then this post is for you!
an abstract painting with the words elements of art color
The Brilliant History of Color & its Importance in Art
Ever wonder where the colors we see everyday come from? This beginner's guide to art will explore the fascinating history of color and how it has been used by artists throughout time. From simple primaries to complex neutrals, get ready to be inspired by the brilliance of color!
the words elements of art color in front of an image of a rainbow - colored background
How to Use Color in Art and Artwork for Maximum Impact?
Learn how to use effectively color in art and artwork. Discover the best colors to use for different types of art, and find out how to create an eye-catching composition with bold and vibrant colors. #MadhansArt #Colorinart #color #drawing #painting #elementsofart
an image of the text elements of art texture on a blue background with a speech bubble above it
What is Texture in Art : Elements of Art
Texture in art is created by the way an artist applies paint or other medium to a surface. It is also one of the important elements of art. Texture can be anything from smooth to rough, shiny to dull, flat to raised. Check the Post to know more on what and how to create textures #Textureinart #ElementsofArt #Artisans #MadhansArt #Drawing #Sketching #Painting
how to preserve a pencil drawing
Pencil drawings are not long-lasting so How to preserve your pencil drawing?
Pencil drawings are not permanent and it is advisable to use an archival fixative on your artwork. Fixatives protect and preserve pencil drawings by making the pigment more stable and durable. Learn how to preserve your pencil drawings? #MadhansArt #PreservePencilDrawing #Pencilsketching #Pencildrawing #arttheory #howtopreservepencildrawings
Principles of Art Types of EMPHASIS
The Emphasis in Art is when an Artist gives importance to any specific object or area in his artwork, thereby dominating the viewer’s eyes. Different types of Emphasis in Art are • Emphasis by Focal Point • Emphasis by Convergence • Emphasis by Separation • Emphasis by Contrast
the cover of elements of art's book, importance of lines
Elements of Art - The Importance of Line in Art
Learn about the importance of line in art and how it can be used to create different effects. See how artists use lines to create compositions and convey emotions in their work. #elementsofart #arts #linesinart
the elements of art shape book cover with an image of colorful shapes in blue and orange
How to Use Shape in Your Art for Maximum Impact
Learn about the different shapes and how to use them in your artwork for maximum impact. From circles to squares, triangles to rectangles, find out which shapes work best with your style and medium. Plus, get tips on using other elements of art to create even more visual interest. #principlesofart #shapeinart #artist #art #elementsofart
the title for the book, elements of art space negative space in art with an image of
Elements of Art Space – How to use Space in Art and Artwork?
Follow these tips and tricks for using space in art. This is a key element of art that can make or break the finished product. Find out how it affects composition, lines, form and more! #principlesofart #spaceinart #artist #art
an object with the title how to use form in art for visual impact
How to Use Form in Art for Visual Impact?
The form is a 3D representation of an object drawn on a 2D plane. When you give your artwork the perfect form, people will take notice and be impressed by it more than if it was just flat shapes without depth. Read this blog post on how Form in Art is used. #principlesofart #forminart #artist #art #elementsofart
a painting with the words what is value in art and why is it so important?
What Is Value In Art And Why Is It So Important?
Value in art has various meanings, but for the purpose of this post we will be referring to value in relation to color theory. Value in art is essentially how light or dark something is on a scale of white to black (with white being the highest value and black being the lowest value). #drawpaintacademy
an image of a wooden toy with the words, how to make your own toys
What is Form in Elements of Art?
A Form in Art is a three-dimensional defined space that has defined depth. In Visual Arts, a Form is a three-dimensional representation of an object drawn on a two-dimensional plane. The Form has length, breadth, and depth to give a realistic look to the object. #MadhansArt #Art #ElementsofArt #Form
the words elements of art texture on a brick wall
What is Texture in the Elements of Art?
Texture refers to the way an object looks on the surface when seen, felt when touched. Sometimes We may not feel texture the same way it appears, and instead, we may feel it differently. A wooden surface created on a painting may be rough in appearance but smooth when touched. #MadhansArt #Art #ElementsofArt #