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how to remove years of shower scum in 60 seconds and save money on the floor
Remove Years Of Shower Scum In 60 Seconds
Easy trick removes years of shower scum in 60 seconds. Simply spray, wait and wipe away.
a metal pan filled with food on top of a counter next to a white and red sign
Simple Tip To Remove Baked On Grease
an iphone screen with the text bubble cleaner on it, and another message below
a toothbrush with white bristles on it in front of a tiled shower wall
DIY Citric Acid Paste For Hard Water
a person using a steam mop on the floor in a kitchen with an advertisement about vacuums
CrossWave® HydroSteam™ Multi-Surface Cleaner
Ultimate time-saving cleaning hack. The CrossWave® HydroSteam™ is the only CrossWave® with HydroSteam™ Technology to penetrate through sticky messes. Multi-surface cleaning for safe and effective cleaning on sealed hard floors and area rugs. Hard Floor Sanitize Formula eliminates 99.9% of bacteria*. Self-cleaning cycle minimizes the clean-up after the clean and helps maintain performance. *Kills 99.9% of Enterobacter aerogenes (ATCC 13408) and Staphylococcus aureus (ATCC 6538)
How to clean in tight spaces with Baking Soda slime
Clean in tight spaces like keyboards or car cup holders with this Baking Soda slime hack.
a man pouring something into a container on top of a table
Finally a hack that's actually useful! 😍 | Finally a hack that's actually useful! 😍 | By The Pun Guys | - So apparently this hack can make your pans look brand new. What? No way that's gonna happen. - (Laughs) No way that's gonna happen. - Yeah, apparently you just need salt, baking soda, vinegar and soap. - Yeah. Wow. That does look soap perfect. All right, let's see if this works. I'm your pan handler for today. We have a really dirty pan, as you can see. And he starts with salt, right? Let's load this up with some salt. Alright, now that you're pan is seasoned, okay we put some baking soda? - [John] Yeah. - How much? Just a little bit? - [John] Like a handful, I don't know. - Just like lightly? - [John] Panful. - A panful? - [John] Yeah, no that's good. That looks good. - I mean, more's gotta be better here, (John laughs) Right? Next up we've got our dish soap. We got some Dawn here. - [John] We're just gonna put it dawn. - Yeah. Like that. Is that about good? - [John] I think so. - I should start paying attention. I should start pan attention. - [John] Pan attention? - Okay, we got our Brillo pad and then we start scrubbing I guess, right? - [John] Yeah, should be it. - Okay, let's just start scrubbing. This hack works, it'll be brilliant. - [John] Brilliant. - [John] Come on, it doesn't look like it's working. - This isn't doing anything. - [John] Maybe you have to combine all the ingredients in order for it to like, you know, activate it. - It didn't work until he put the vinegar on it right? - [John] Yeah, exactly. - How hard and long do I have to do this for? - [John] (mockingly) That's what she said! - Right. - [John] Until you get it off. - Until you get it off, wow. (both laugh) Okay, that's gotta be good right? I'm just gonna go a little bit harder to make sure. (John laughs) I don't want anybody in the comments to be like, "Its because you didn't do it hard enough." - [John] Right. Exactly. - Ew. what the hell is that? I guess it's working. - [John] Must be working. - Since it's coming off on my hand. Getting off on my hand. (John laughs) Now they covered up with paper towel, right? - [John] Yup. - Like that. Or they used napkins or whatever they used. - [John] I couldn't towel what they were. - I couldn't towel if they were paper towel or. Okay, one more. - [John] Yep. - Okay, like that. Now we just pour on the white vinegar, right? - [John] I guess so. - That's it? - [John] I mean, come on. - No way. - [John] I know. - You get to hire people to do this. (John laughs) - You know they come in, and like use special cleaners. Okay, now we just pour this on. - [John] Yep. Just soak it. - Now we just soak it. Okay. Here we go. - [John] Okay, soak it, soak it. - Didn't his turn black a little bit by now? - [John] I mean, that was when he started wiping it, I think. - Do we let it soak for a second, maybe? - [John] Yeah, we better just to be safe. Since we have no idea. - Okay, let's let it soak for just like 10 seconds. - [John] Okay, 10 soak ins. - 10 soak ins. Wow. Amazing. I don't feel like it's working. Is this gonna work? I don't think this is gonna work, man. - [John] Yeah, I mean it seems too good to be true. It seems too easy. - I know, right? Okay. Here we go. Ready? - [John] Yeah. I'm ready. - Let's see. Now you just rub off all the burning. (John laughs) No chance. - [John] No way, man. - Okay. Three, two, one. - Oh, oh, oh. - No way. No way Oh, dude. No way Kinda looks like it's working. No way! - Whoa! - [John] No way! - [John] Dude. It worked. No way that worked. - That's like 99% perfect. - [John] No way. Dude, that looks way better. - Look at that, man. I can't believe that - [John] Way better. - Wow. - [John] That's almost brand new. - Get a nice panoramic view of this man. Look at that. (John laughs) - [John] That is so dope. - Wow. - [John] Man, that worked so well.
The Pun Guys - Finally a hack that's actually useful! 😍