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a graph showing the number of people in each country
Arte del siglo XX - Wikipedia, la enciclopedia libre
Modern Art Movements timeline
a poster with an image of frida de cano and other people on it
El Genio de Frida Kahlo
Una infografía dedicada a exponer una parte de la vida que tuvo la Genio de Frida Kahlo
a black and white poster with the names of different types of items on it's side
Start A Fire
vanguardias artisticas linea de tiempo - Buscar con Google
an old woman holding her hands up to her mouth
"I am not what I am, I am what I do with my hands." Louise Bourgeois | Photograph by Yann Charbonnier
an image of a man standing in the middle of a room with squares and lines on it
Keith Haring + Piet Mondrian love this.....hmmmm? Art fair?
four different views of the same building
VILLE SAVOYE, Le Corbusier - despiertaYmira
Ville Savoye, Le Corbusier. Located in Poissy on the outskirts of Paris. Built between 1928-1930. It's been restored as a house-museum and is currently classified as a French National Historic Landmark.
people are standing outside in front of a large building with wavy lines on the side
‘Its temporary’ Christo & Jeanne Claude
an aerial view of the water and land with pink dots on it's surface
Christo and Jeanne-Claude
Christo and Jeanne-Claude Surrounded Islands, Biscayne Bay, Greater Miami, Florida, 1980-83 Photo: Wolfgang Volz © 1983 Christo
two people standing next to each other in front of a large building filled with people
Christos "Floating Piers": Gelber Teppich auf dem Iseosee
Der Künstler Christo ist bekannt für seine Verpackungsaktionen. 1995 verhüllte er den Reichstag in Berlin......♔..
an aerial view of pink floating land in the ocean
The biggest sculpture in history: Artist who wrapped up the Reichstag plans spectacular £212million creation in the middle of the desert to rival the Pyramids
Christo and Jeanne-Claude: Surrounded Islands, Biscayne Bay, Greater Miami, Florida, 1980-83
an upside down view of some buildings in the sky
10 more stunning destinations for the never ending bucket list (Part 6)
Casa Milà, better known as La Pedrera | Barcelona, Catalonia, Spain.
an abstract painting with blue, red and green colors
Giacomo Balla - Wikipedia
Giacomo Balla, Abstract Speed + Sound, 1913-14.
two maps showing europe and the middle east
WW1: Does the peace that ended the war haunt us today?
Map of Old Empires Becoming New Countries