Makes me smile

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the path to the beach is covered in white sand
Relax @
two boxes filled with assorted colored macaroons
Macaron Order - Serene
a small dog wrapped in a blanket with it's paws on top of its head
Crazy Domains
Comfy cozy
a window is covered in snow and lit by a light that shines through the window
All Things Finnish
Peaceful warmth
two older men sitting on a bench with an umbrella over their heads, one holding the other's hand
Nice Love Quotes - Inspirational Quotes - Pictures - Motivational Thoughts
Romantic love ...
a small dog sitting on top of a sidewalk next to the ocean
Cats on imgfave
It's sooo fluffly!!! This shall be our guard dog.
a person laying on the back of a boat with a book and cup of coffee
Vote for your favorite 'Coffee' photo
Relaxing at Sea
a rainbow in the sky over an ocean with waves crashing on the sand and water
Rainbow at sea Two of my faves. Rainbows and seas