Castlevania dracula

Explore the mysterious and chilling world of Dracula in Castlevania. Uncover the secrets, lore, and dark history of the iconic vampire in this legendary video game series.
Dracula Character Design, Vlad Dracula Tepes, Dracula Castlevania, Castlevania Dracula, Dracula Art, Vlad Dracula, Castlevania Lord Of Shadow, Castlevania Netflix, Alucard Castlevania

THERE ARE NO INNOCENTS! Not anymore! Anyone of them could've stood up and said, "No, we won't behave like animals anymore!"Dracula to Alucard. One year. I gave you one year to make your peace with your God. And what do you do? Celebrate the day you killed my wife. One year I gave you while I assembled my armies, and now... I bring your death. You had your chance...Dracula, to the people of Wallachia he is about to slaughter. The Morning Star whip. Well played, Belmont. But I am no ordinary…
