In my control out of my control activity

Discover a variety of fun and engaging activities that are in your control and out of your control. Explore ideas to take charge of your life and embrace the things you can change while accepting the things you cannot.
TEACHING URGENCY--STEP ONE The Answer is 12,960 Hours What is the Question?  Before goal setting must come a deep understanding of why School Psychology, Social Thinking, Behaviour Management, Counselling Activities, School Social Work, Therapeutic Activities, Counseling Activities, Counseling Resources, Group Therapy

The Answer is 12,960 Hours What is the Question? Leveraging time has got to rank in the top three high-yield strategies—regardless of context. I remember watching a demonstration of a life clock on Oprah. On the grim reaper side it was a bit creepy to see how many remaining minutes of your life statistically are left. I suppose the non-techie version would be the Medicaid tables :) Seriously, we all know how fast time slips away, but unfortunately our students don’t (get how time slips by)…

Cathe McCoy