Jw pictures

Immerse yourself in a collection of captivating JW pictures that showcase breathtaking moments. Discover the beauty and inspiration of JW photography and be inspired to capture your own memories.
This is the sister who plays the role of Jade, the Bible student who progressed to baptism in the video series for the 2020 Regional Convention.    Shown here with her husband and a friend.   She did a fantastic acting job! We all loved the videos of her coming to know Jehovah and making the truth her own.   •The acting department at Bethel teaches them very well. ⭐️ Encouraging Pictures, Jehovah's Witnesses Humor, Jehovah Witness Convention, Acting Job, Jehovas Witness, Public Witnessing, Jw Humor, Luke 17, Jw Convention

This is the sister who plays the role of Jade, the Bible student who progressed to baptism in the video series for the 2020 Regional Convention. Shown here with her husband and a friend. She did a fantastic acting job! We all loved the videos of her coming to know Jehovah and making the truth her own. •The acting department at Bethel teaches them very well. ⭐️
