Microsoft word 2007

Boost your productivity with Microsoft Word 2007. Learn essential tips and tricks to become a Word expert and create professional documents effortlessly.
Microsoft Word 2007 and 2010 Parts and Controls – Office Tutorial Ms Word Project Ideas, Word Shortcut Keys, Computer Ideas, Paint Program, Microsoft Word 2010, Scroll Bar, Computer Learning, Computer Projects, Math Sheets

Microsoft Word 2007 and 2010 Parts and Controls – Office Tutorial

To familiarize Microsoft Word you need to know the basic parts and controls when you open the program. We labeled every part of the interface of Microsoft word 2007 and 2010 to make it easy for you to understand. Below are the two interfaces of Microsoft Word, you will notice that they are almost identical. This is the MS Word 2007 interface. Click to the image to enlarge. And this is the Microsoft Word 2010. Below are the meaning of every part to explain their uses when creating documents…
