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a person holding a flower in a glass bowl on top of a stove burner
Strawberry Candy Roses are the perfect gift! 🌹 | candy, Rosa | Strawberry Candy Roses are the perfect gift! 🌹 #candy #Valentines #yummy | By Kyle & Mistie Knight | Alright, we're going to place our stick right in the center of our strawberry. Very carefully. You're going to get a thin slice and then push down because we are making a beautiful and delicious treat that you can give your loved ones. This is perfect as a romantic gift. Maybe even for Mother's Day. We're making strawberry roses y'all and these are not any roses. These are going to be candy coated and what we get to the middle, we're going to actually cut out that center part to really make it seem like an open rose bud. Now, we're going to take the stick and it's going to go into the base of your strawberry. Just like that. Alright. Okay. You can press it down just a little bit. Not too much. Look at that. Ain't that beautiful? Looks great. That can go right there into your rose bouquet. Now, we're going to pour our sugar in and this is about maybe a cup and a half and then we're just going to add a little bit of water because we don't want this to be too thin. This is going to be a simple syrup. Now, we're going to just stir this and ideally, you're going to see this as it heats up to start to bubble. Okay. And then it's going to it's going to reduce and become nice and thick. You see those bubbles? That is what you're looking for. It's starting to turn a little bit of a caramel color. We use medium to high heat to get it to that point and now you bring it down to low and you can test to see if it's ready to dip the strawberries and the way you do that is to glass of cold water and you pour that in and this should, look at that. You see how it's already hardening? Uh huh. That's what you want. If that candy hardens, then that means that it is ready. Look at that. Here we go. Now, it's ready to dip our strawberries in. Alright, we've got our syrup is bubbling so that means it's time to dip it in. It should start to just turn to a caramel color. Give it a few spins and that gives it a nice coating. Let it drip off a little bit And then if you give it a shake it kind of starts to open up again. Look at that. You've got a beautiful candy shell and this should harden pretty quickly. And now you can set that off to the side after you've gotten it dripped off. And then allow that to harden. See it's already getting sticky. That's exactly what you want. This is going to be a good one. Look at that. Yummy. Really kind of spread it around there so that it covers all of those petals. Look at that. Ain't that perfect? This is beautiful. I love it. Give it another dip so that it gets a nice thick shell. Just like that. Let it drip a little bit. And this should harden really quickly. And you can just leave that to drip off and harden until it's time to taste test. Time for the taste test. So good. What's better than strawberries and sugar? Yum.
Strawberry Candy Roses are the perfect gift! 🌹 | candy, Rosa | Strawberry Candy Roses are the perfect gift! 🌹 #candy #Valentines #yummy | By Kyle & Mistie Knight | Alright, we're going to place our stick right in the center of our strawberry. Very carefully. You're going to get a thin slice and then push down because we are making a beautiful and delicious treat that you can give your loved ones. This is perfect as a romantic gift. Maybe even for Mother's Day. We're making strawberry roses y'all and these are not any roses. These are going to be candy coated and what we get to the middle, we're going to actually cut out that center part to really make it seem like an open rose bud. Now, we're going to take the stick and it's going to go into the base of your strawberry. Just like that.