Glasgow girls

Discover the inspiring story of the Glasgow Girls and how they fought for justice and equality. Learn about their remarkable journey and be inspired to make a difference in your own community.
Glasgow School Of Art Mackintosh, Margaret Macdonald Mackintosh, Margaret Mcdonald, Frances Macdonald, Margaret Macdonald, Egyptian Decorations, Glasgow Girls, Glasgow Style, Mackintosh Design

Glasgow style and Viennese Art Nouveau English painter, illustrator and decorator operating in Scotland, she is also remembered for her important interior designs, made with her husband. She was born

Milan Mišák
The Painted Prism: WOMEN ARTISTS: Jessie Marion King -- an Art Nouveau illustrator and one of the "Glasgow Girls" from Scotland Annie French, Fairy Tales Artwork, Glasgow Girls, My Woman, Woman Artist, Illustrative Art, Glasgow School Of Art, Art Deco Movement, Modern Art Decor

The foremost Scottish book designer and illustrator of the 20th century, is the featured artist for May, in my Woman Artist Series -- JESSIE MARION KING Here are 10 things to know about Jessie M. King, along with examples of her beautiful work, plus images of Jessie, too: 1. Jessie Marion King was one of the artists known as the Glasgow Girls, who brought influences to both the Art Nouveau and Art Deco Movements, arising from the Glasgow Style. King was known for her beautiful illustrated…

Pat Howard