🔴BREAKING: Trump Trashes Biden while welcoming Kamala Harris

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Former President Donald Trump is looking better and better as Biden and the white house try to convince the public he is mentally sharp and able to lead the country. More and more democrats demand Biden drop out and put money and effort behind Kamala Harris. Kamala Continues to say Biden is the man and she is just grateful to be his running mate. Lastly, Clinton operative George Stephanopolous gives Biden one of his easiest interviews yet and he still manages to look unable to run the country.

I hope everyone had a great Independence day. No matter what race, religion, or party you're associated with — I’m glad that we are all united under the freedom that our constitution and military provides. Let’s honor that freedom by getting into today’s broadcast.

After receiving the worst backlash I may have ever seen due to his poor debate performance, President Joe Biden has decided to join in on the fun by jokingly bashing himself. During a meeting with democratic Governors at The White House on Wednesday, Biden addressed their concerns by stating “I'm fine—I don't know about my brain, though.”

I normally love a good joke, but this “joke” couldn’t have been more ill timed. His own party is quite literally thinking about replacing him as we speak, so It doesn’t take a genius to see how this wasn’t the smartest move. In response to criticism about the joke, Biden’s campaign chair stated “To all America, people have to be able to take a joke. This is absolutely a self-deprecating joke, which is very common for the president to make.”

I have to disagree here, this is the President of the United States we’re talking about. If this was a one-off occurrence, sure — he could joke, but it’s not. For years Republicans have been pointing out that it seems like Biden has brain damage. Now, we have people like Rep. Nancy Pelosi admitting this could be an entire mental condition. Even a member of the Walt Disney family has vowed to stop donating money to democrats unless Biden is replaced. When your own party is coming after you, the issue can no longer be treated like it’s not a big deal. Like is a big joke.

Despite the ill timing, the Governors who attended the meeting vowed their support for Biden. It seems they are realizing that Kamala Harris wouldn’t be a much better choice, even if they could replace Biden. To illustrate this point, California Gov. Gavin Newsom stated “I have three words from the President tonight — he’s all in, and so am I. Joe Biden had our back, now it’s time to have his.” Newsom is basically admitting they should support Biden even if he’s not all there… as the President himself joked.

Then again California’s government is about as organized as Biden thoughts so it doesn’t surprised me that a governor who pretends boys are girls would pretend Biden is mentally well.

But Biden’s self depreciation didn’t stop at a simple joke. During an interview with radio host Earl Ingram, Biden stated “I had a bad night. I screwed up. I made a mistake.” While these comments followed with a claim that he will get back up and win, it has never been more clear that this is wishful thinking more than anything.

Biden also said in a radio interview that he is proud to be the first black female president.

While The White House can argue his poor performance was due to jet lag or a common cold all they want, Biden exhibited the same mental fogginess while giving his fourth of July speech yesterday. During an attempt to take a jab at Trump’s treatment of our military, Biden started heavily stuttering and slurring his speech. I guess this is just one really long cold that he’s had for nearly four years now?

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Now this is big, former President Trump is apparently under the impression that Biden will be replaced. This belief could be seen in leaked video footage that I reported on the other day, where Trump suggested Biden is no longer a viable option while chatting with people on his golf course. It can also be seen in his own 4th of July statement, where he quickly shifted his attention from Biden to Harris.

His statement read: “Happy Fourth of July to all, including to our highly incapable ‘President,’ who uses Prosecutors to go after his Political Opponent… Also, respects to our potentially new Democrat Challenger, Laffin’ Kamala Harris. She did poorly in the Democrat Nominating process, starting out at Number Two, and ending up defeated and dropping out, even before getting to Iowa, but that doesn’t mean she’s not a ‘highly talented’ politician!”

It seems that Trump is trying to cover all of his bases by going after everyone he believes could be a possible competitor. But with Biden vowing to remain in the race, and Governors such as Newsom backing him, I have a hard time seeing how they could make the switch. Does anyone in my audience have a working theory for how they could realistically replace Biden? If so, please let me know in the comment section below. I’m open to being convinced.

But Trump’s huge debate win could come back to bite him, if he becomes too cocky. Earlier today, Trump challenged Biden to new debate rules where moderation is tossed out the door. He stated “I have the answer to the Crooked Joe Biden Incompetence Puzzle. Let’s do another Debate, but this time, no holds barred – An all on discussion, with just the two of us on stage, talking about the future of our Country.”

While this may sound good in theory, if Trump goes back to his old strategy of talking over Biden — the world won’t get to see just how bad Biden performs. If I was an advisor on Trump’s campaign, I’d be fighting to keep the same format. I personally like how each side gets uninterrupted time to speak, it makes the discussion easier to follow and really showcases what each person thinks.

Ok now like me, I know many of you are frustrated with the illegal alien invasion Biden is allowing in the US. However, you might not know just how much money is being given to these illegals. Some are being given lots of cash. Some are in $700 a night hotels totalling $21,000 a month in benefits. Most are given 3 free meals a day. HOwever, let me react with you to a mayor in California who exposes how bad it really is.


- They’ve received over 250,000 Illegal Migrant drop offs JUST SINCE OCTOBER
- Illegals get free health care & free transition surgeries
- New $19 million dollar Mega Migrant welcome center being built
- Free 20% down on home
- Free college tuition
- They have an existing Migrant Welcome Center nobody asked for
- City is paying up to $10k per month in hotels every month for each of these illegal immigrant families

In regards to the current war in Gaza, President Biden has announced that he has continued to work with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on securing a ceasefire with Hamas. During their most recent talk, Biden detailed that they are currently finalizing details for a deal that could see a ceasefire take place in exchange for hostages. With Netanyahu scheduled to address US congress on July 24, I personally see this deal being finalized within the next month as it’s in Biden’s best interest.

I say this because there is currently real tension that can hurt his chances of being reelected. For example, During 4th of July celebrations in New York, we had Pro-Palestinian protestors burning American flags in public while chanting anti-Israel slogans. These same protestors were also using smoke bombs to block people's view of fireworks. There is real hate and division in the air which people will associate with Biden if he doesn’t find a way to end the war in Gaza soon.

In Russia, President Putin has just finished a meeting with Hungarian PM Viktor Orban. Following its conclusion, Putin stated that he wants a “complete and final end” to the war in Ukraine — which would require Ukraine to give up land. This is essentially confirmation that Putin isn’t trying to completely wipe out Ukraine, but he does want to heavily weaken it by taking key areas such as the Donetsk and Kherson regions.

Putin also said he is interested in hearing more about President Trump’s idea of ending the war. Of course the crazies on the left are now saying that this is because Trump works for Putin and they orchestrated this whole war to make Biden look bad. The truth is Putin has been trying to end this war and no one will talk to him. He and BIden haven’t communicated in close to 18 months. Meanwhile Trump is saying he will call Putin and Zelensky to end this war immediately.

Do you think its time to end the killing in Ukraine?

Did ya’ll see the horrible interview Biden did with George Stephanopolous? Well let’s just say Biden flopped. I might actually do a reaction video to the whole interview but just a few highlights. Biden was asked if he watched back his disastrous debate performance and Biden said he couldn’t remember.

Biden blamed his horrible debate on Trump. He said Trump kept talking over him and trying to confuse him and yelling at him and he just got distracted. Remember the mics were muted and Biden was looking away from Trump most of the debate.

Biden mentioned that only the Lord God Almighty himself could take Biden out of this race. That he is running and his party needs to back him.

Biden then said no one gets re-election crowds like him. Stephanopolis said Trump gets much bigger crowds and you shouldn’t compare your size to Trump.
Biden refused multiple times to answer whether he is having mental issues and refused multiple times to taking a competency test to make sure he’s fit to run the country.

The interview barely lasted 22 minutes which is likely shorter than most of my shows and my interviews.

After the interview Democrat senator Mark Warner urged Biden to step down and said he will be building a group of democrat leaders to pressure Biden to bow out of the race.

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