• The World Bank

    World Bank Group Scorecard

    An overarching view of the results indicators of the four institutions: the International Development Association (IDA), the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (IBRD), the International Finance Corporation (IFC), and the Multilateral Investment Guarantee Agency (MIGA).

Translating Our Vision

The new scorecard tracks progress toward the World Bank Group's vision to create a world free of poverty on a livable planet.

  • The World Bank


    The Scorecard tracks global poverty, using thresholds of $2.15 and $6.85 per day, which will be revised with the 2021 Purchasing Power Parity (PPP) data. It emphasizes the need to address poverty in both low-income countries (LICs) and middle-income countries (MICs) to eradicate it fully. The Scorecard also highlights poverty's multidimensional nature, going beyond income levels alone.

  • The World Bank


    The Scorecard uses two indicators to monitor shared prosperity and inequality: the Prosperity Gap, measuring global income shortfalls from a $25/day standard, and the count of countries with a Gini index over 40, denoting high inequality. It also considers non-monetary aspects of inequality through various client context and WBG result indicators.

  • The World Bank


    The Scorecard comprises five indicators capturing several dimensions of a livable planet: climate mitigation and adaptation, biodiversity and nature, and life essentials (water and food). It also includes relevant client context and result indicators in these areas, along with other aspects of inclusiveness, resilience, and sustainability.