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Microsoft Azure Collective

A collective for developers to engage, share, and learn about Microsoft Azure’s open-source frameworks, languages, and platform. This collective is organized and managed by the Stack Overflow community.
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RSC content instead of HTML in Next.js app

I have a Next.js 14 website (using app router), hosted on Azure, and supported by Imperva CDN with a cache mechanism. All website pages are static using generateStaticParams. The website's pages are ...
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SQL Data Migration Assistant fails to produce deployment script due to Triggers

I'm trying to use the Microsoft Data Migration Assistant to migrate my SQL Server DB to SQL Azure. I have a Delete trigger which references the DELETED pseudo table. When the assistant tries to ...
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Expose angular containers by Api Management

I am developing microfront components, these must be deployed as containers. I am using AKS for deploying these containers. My question is if I can use API Management in Azure to govern the ...
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Same Azure Release Task in Two Different Release Pipelines Behave Differently git clone *> $null

I have two different Azure Releases that each have the exact same task that includes cloning a repo, except for one difference. I have to send the output to null in one case and not in the other, ...
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GitHub Actions nodejs supported versions for 'Run Azure/static-web-apps-deploy@v1'

I have a GitHub Actions error specifically within the 'Run Azure/static-web-apps-deploy@v1' action which returns: Error: Platform 'nodejs' version 'x.x.x' is unsupported. Supported versions: Is ...

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Having issues with provider definition when configuring Terraform for Azure in YAML

I'm working on an ambitious project to define Terraform configuration in YML for Azure but am having issues on handling the provider block. Here are the details. Why YML? Two main reasons: I'd like ...
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Azure Container Apps job with ServiceBus and managed identity authentication

I am defining an Azure Container Apps job. The job will consume messages from a Service Bus topic subscription. The rule will authenticate using a user assigned identity. The service is defined as ...
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Unable To Enable Prometheus Lifecycle API In Azure Container Instances

I've been having difficulty adding the --web.enable-lifecycle flag to prometheus, to enable the lifecycle api. I have this working locally with docker compose, like so: prometheus: image: prom/...
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Azure AD Authentication Issue with ASP.NET MVC Application Behind Proxy: Missing .AspNet.Cookies Cookie

I have a legacy ASP.NET 4.8 MVC application which is being migrated to use Azure AD Authentication using the Microsoft.Owin framework. The application configuration works fine on my local machine. ...

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How-to guide

Create file on Azure file storage using postman

Create a file in Azure FileShare using postman. Pre-Requisite Azure Storage account with a file share Role assignment Storage File Data Privileged Contributor scoped to file share. Get required ...
Tejas Nagchandi's user avatar
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How-to guide

How to rename the function in the Azure Function Apps

Sometimes, renaming the function classes is required as that represents the meaningful name of the current version and the functionality of that class. There is no inbuilt option for renaming the ...
Jashua Criss's user avatar
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How-to guide

FTP authentication has been disabled for this web app. You will not be able to authenticate using these credentials

What should you do when you get this error? You can simply follow the steps in the below image: Go to the Configuration of the Azure Web app (or) Azure App Service. Next, go to the General Settings. ...
Jashua Criss's user avatar
2 votes
1 minute read
How-to guide

Inserting a Value into a Dataverse Lookup Column in Using Data Factory

When inserting data into a dataverse sink in data factory, it is worth bearing in mind that lookups may not behave how you expect them to. There are 3 situations involving lookups to be aware of: You'...
B.Griffin's user avatar
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Knowledge article

A Developer's Manual for Azure's AI services.

Introduction: Azure is like a beacon in the vast world of artificial intelligence for developers , looking to integrate cutting-edge AI capabilities into their applications. This article is a ...
Mohamed Azarudeen Z's user avatar