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Loading on demand on multiple devices like mobile and ipad pro and ipad

I want to scroll make working on the desktop, mobile and iPad and HD devices also. To stimulate the functionality what I have done is in a page I have a div tag called mainContent. I am using knockout ...
ram chand's user avatar
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Jquery mobile Swipe event is not firing with Knockout.js

I have this html table which I need to navigate through pages on "swipe". onSwipeRight = function () { gridPager.CurrentPage(gridPager.CurrentPage() + 1); }, onSwipeLeft ...
Yasitha Lokunarangoda's user avatar
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Why does copying stop working from the context menu?

I'm having troubles debugging this, I suspect it's some sort of browser security deal. This is a minimal example of some code that was refactored from having each piece have a clickable icon to copy ...
Ryan Leach's user avatar
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Knockout 3+ How do you bind a jquery mobile radio button to knockout? I've been trying a few different methods, but this is the closest I've gotten. for some reason this.checked is always true. javascript: ko.bindingHandlers....
Ryan Leach's user avatar
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jquery mobile slider with knockout components

I'm trying to to bind values from jquery mobile slider using knockout components. But I failed to do that. Is there any solution yo it, except custom bindings? My js-code: ko.components.register('...
Вася Пупкин's user avatar
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Set slider values before binding

I'm trying to bind slider to start at certain value, like in this fiddle. But instead I'm getting this: fiddle. My js-part look like this: ko.bindingHandlers.slider = { init: function (...
Вася Пупкин's user avatar
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Why slider start at wrong place?

I'm trying to pass the slider value to span and dynamically change it. It works fine, but when i start page, the slider button displaced on the wrong value. How can I fix that? This is my HTML <...
Вася Пупкин's user avatar
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knockout if binding to jquery mobile static header retains space

My page has a static header (jqm) which is displayed conditionally depending upon a parameter. Well, the binding is working, i.e., it is being displayed conditionally, the page content does not move ...
WhatsInAName's user avatar
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Access String after binding

I made an application with jQuery Mobile. The page is divided into several sections, as described here: Adding Pages in jQuery Mobile. In the second section, that acts as an own page, some text comes ...
Evgenij Reznik's user avatar
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Knockout custom binding to dynamically enhance JQM content

I have re organized my question. Firstly I have a question page, the page contains Question Text Choices Next, Prev and Submit buttons(as applicable) The snippet of the page is below <div id="...
Lakshmi's user avatar
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Build radio button view dynamically, checked binding is not working using ko.observable

This is my first question, pardon for any mistakes in posting the question. My question might looks exactly similar to Build knockout model and view dynamically, radio buttons not being set From my ...
Lakshmi's user avatar
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Checking checkbox in listview from JSON data

<ol class ="lists" id ="list1"data-bind="foreach: quiz.questions" > <li class="lists" > <div> <label class="question_que"><span data-bind="text: Name"...
govind's user avatar
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How to make jQuery Mobile apply enhancement after Knockout applyBindings()?

I use an ajax call to fetch data from server and bind them using ko.applyBindings(). But JQM applied enhancement before this binding, which breaks things. How can I make JQM not to apply enhancement ...
lzl124631x's user avatar
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JQM/knockoutJS component popup doesn't bind data?

I have a simple popup that I want to use in components. It doesn't bind the data on the popup, but in other parts of the components it does? viewModel ko.components.register('customer-search', { ...
user3023313's user avatar
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Cordova/Knockout/jQueryMobile cache memory performance

I'm using Knockout and jQueryMobile to write an application that I'm publishing using Cordova. I've written a light framework for intermingling the ko view models and the jqm page elements. All ...
Adam's user avatar
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