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jquerymobile breaks rails application

I would like to create a mobile version of my rails application using jquery mobile. As a starter I found useful instruction written in a web page by Scott W. Bradley and in a railscasts ...
Asarluhi's user avatar
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how to use rails path in href for jquerymobile button

I am working in rails using button.(/view/sessions/new.html.erb) I have a hard code path which I tried to change to rails routes path. Here original hard code: <a href="/...
PKul's user avatar
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JQM: JavaScript doesn't run on page load following DELETE request

When using jQuery Mobile, (how) can I force JavaScript to run following a DELETE request and subsequent page load? I'm using Devise along with JQM and Rails. When a user signs out (a delete request), ...
Leo Folsom's user avatar
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JQuery mobile not working with rails devise

I am using rails 5 with gem 'jquery_mobile_rails', '1.4.5' and gem 'jquery-turbolinks' which seem to work when I remove the turbolinks gem. my set up is as follows in application.js: //= require ...
Mohammed's user avatar
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How do I add jquery-mobile to a rails 4 app

My goal is moving between previous and next photos in mobile browser with a finger swipe: Since I am only going to ...
Timmy Von Heiss 's user avatar
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Turbolinks wipes out jQuery Mobile classes

When I load a page in my rails app using Turbolinks, the DOM lacks the styles that are normally applied by jQuery Mobile. All of my JavaScript files run; the only problem is that I lose some of the ...
Leo Folsom's user avatar
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jQuery Mobile with Rails UJS to honor data-ajax="false" on links that are using data-method="delete"

Currently i am using jquery mobile in my website. when i try to logout than data-ajax=false not working. in all other links data-ajax= false working and request dont send in ajax. but the problem ...
Vishal's user avatar
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Rails app can't upload files that use gem jquery_mobile_rails

GemFile: gem 'jquery-rails' gem 'jquery_mobile_rails' application.js: //= require html: <form accept-charset="UTF-8" action="/home/test" enctype="multipart/form-data" method="...
Hanks's user avatar
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JQuery Mobile with Ruby on Rails Layout destroyed, only fixed by reload

I made a website with jQuery and Ruby on Rails. When I load the first page it looks fine, but when I click on a link, the layout gets destroyed on the second page. If Ajax deactivated: The layout of ...
Jimmy Jon's user avatar
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RangeSliders disappears after .submit()

I have a dropdown and a rangeslider using jQuery mobile for a Rails form: <%= form_tag(profile_path, remote: true, id: 'search_forms') do %> <%= select_tag 'q[activity]', ...
Jose Torres's user avatar
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Jquery mobile doesn't work in rails 4 app

I've taken an example of jquery mobile data roles that renders in the browser fine outside of my app, but when I put the code into my Rails app none of the buttons render and jquery mobile seems to ...
Danny Rosenfeld's user avatar
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write different HTML for ipad in index.html file only

I have a rails site running done using the bootstrap. There's a mobile and tablet site for the same. Mobile and tablet site have completely same feature apart from having a slightly different index ...
Suraj's user avatar
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rails mobile view color conflict between jquery-mobile and global css theme

I'm searching since this morning without finding a full working solution. I have a rails apps with a full responsive theme. I also have a form duplicated for the mobile (only one view to interact ...
julien h.'s user avatar
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Rails 3.2 assets pipeline compiles different versions of jquery in production vs development

I have a Rails 3.2 app, in development environment all is ok, while in production (passenger/apache2) I have strange problems with javascript. My gemfile is: source '' gem '...
kranz's user avatar
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How to authenticate and display the json data using jQuery mobile/Ajax?

I have created a simple API for my Ruby on Rails app. This is what I get when I use curl. I think this is how it's done. Returns Json data of all users successfully. $ curl --basic -u [email protected]:...
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