Introducing Authorized Buyers

Learn the basics of Authorized Buyers

About Authorized Buyers

Buyers and sellers curate who they work with and how they work with each other through diverse buying methods including Programmatic Guaranteed and Preferred Deals.

As an Authorized Buyer, you get:

  • Prioritized access and unified reach across partners. As an Authorized Buyer, you continue to have access to inventory from Google partners across Google Ad Manager, AdMob and AdSense.
  • Protection and transparency. You can use inventory controls such as ad blocking and granular targeting settings to specify where your ads serve, and use reporting features to see results.
  • Optimization. Buy efficiently with tools like RTB Breakout, and access inventory in a way that works for you through the Authorized Buyers UI, Authorized Buyers REST APIs, or Real-Time Bidding Protocol.

2018 Changes to your DoubleClick Ad Exchange for buyers account

In June 2018, we retired the DoubleClick Ad Exchange brand. As part of this change, DoubleClick Ad Exchange for buyers accounts became Authorized Buyers accounts, a name that reflects the direct relationship you have with publishers.

For publisher partners, DoubleClick Ad Exchange unified with DoubleClick for Publishers under a single brand: Google Ad Manager. This name better reflects how the platform helps publishers sell inventory, protect their brands, and deliver, measure, and optimize ads.

We also announced changes to Google AdWords and our DoubleClick products for advertisers.

Product branding: Across the product interface, help centers, and other materials, you’ll see the names for Authorized Buyers, Google Ad Manager, and Google Marketing Platform products.

Authorized Buyers URLs: The URL you use to access your account is now, and the help center is available at All existing links for Ad Exchange buyers and the Ad Exchange buyers help center will redirect to the new URLs.

There are no changes to the DoubleClick Ad Exchange Buyer REST API or Real-Time Bidding Protocol at this time. The Ad Exchange Buyer API has been replaced with the Real-time Bidding API and Marketplace API. Ad Exchange Buyer II API is unchanged.

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