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JUST Released!

2024 State of Tech Talent Report

Current State of Global Technical Talent Acquisition,
Retention & Management

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The email will also include a 40% coupon that can be applied to any e-learning, certification, or bundle.

Please complete the form below to download the 2024 State of Tech Talent Report.


Upskilling is a game-changer.

We can help you with your upskilling strategy!

Request an Advisory Meeting or complete the form above to receive a link to download the full report.


Hiring is risky.

We can help you save valuable time and resources.

Request an Advisory Meeting or complete the form above to receive a link to download the full report.

Learn more about the State of Technical Talent in 2024.

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感谢您对Linux Foundation培训的关注。为了更好地为您服务,我们将您重定向到中国培训网站。 我们期待帮助您实现在中国区内所有类型的开源培训目标。