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Academic Partner Program

Our Academic Outreach Program is offered to accredited institutions of higher learning, including universities, community colleges, and academic learning centers. This program provides an academic discount to all students and faculty for any instructor-led Linux Foundation course as well as the LFCS exam.

The Linux Foundation’s goal is to make open source education more available and affordable, so we have made this program simple to join and share with students.

Enter your information to learn more details about the program or if you are a student and would like to take advantage of an academic discount.

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Participating Members

Thank you for your interest in Linux Foundation training and certification. We think we can better serve you from our China Training site. To access this site please click below.

感谢您对Linux Foundation培训的关注。为了更好地为您服务,我们将您重定向到中国培训网站。 我们期待帮助您实现在中国区内所有类型的开源培训目标。