Training > System Administration > Linux for Cloud Technicians Essentials (LFS203) + LFCT Exam Bundle

Linux for Cloud Technicians Essentials (LFS203) + LFCT Exam Bundle

Linux and cloud are two of the most in-demand IT skills. Linux for Cloud Technicians Essentials (LFS203) provides essential knowledge for configuring and managing Linux systems and containers, expanding on the standard administration knowledge and incorporating critical tasks and operations commonly used in cloud environments.

The Linux Foundation Certified Cloud Technician (LFCT) exam demonstrates a candidate’s competence of using the command line to configure, manage, and troubleshoot Linux systems and containers in a platform- and distribution-agnostic way.

Not sure where to start? You may consider reviewing our suggested LFCT learning path.

EXAM SIMULATOR! Learners will now have access to an exam simulator, provided by, to experience the exam environment. You will have two exam simulation attempts (36 hours of access for each attempt from the start of activation). Simulation includes 20-25 questions (which are exactly the same for every attempt and every user (unlike those found on the actual exams) and graded simulation results.

Who Is It For

The LFCT is for Linux Power Users, Software Developers, or existing certified candidates (CKA, etc.) who wish to demonstrate their ability to work efficiently in a Linux environment and be more successful at their job. The topics covered in the Linux Cloud Technicians Essentials course are directly aligned with the knowledge domains tested by the Linux Foundation Cloud Technician (LFCT) exam.
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What You’ll Learn

This course prepares you to connect to a system and perform critical customization and configuration tasks for cloud and non-cloud instances. You will have the opportunity to manage networking, system services, user account creation and administration, and much more; you will also familiarize yourself with virtualization, containers, and DevOps concepts; and gain important skills, like text file processing, file operations, bash scripting, use of git, troubleshooting, etc., which will come in handy when administering multiple systems in the cloud efficiently.
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What It Demonstrates

Obtaining the LFCT certification allows individuals to validate their skills to prospective employers.
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Course Outline
Chapter 1: Course Introduction
Chapter 2. System Configuration from the Graphical Interface
Chapter 3. Boot Process and System Initialization
Chapter 4: Command-line Operations
Chapter 5: User Accounts and Environment
Chapter 6. Text Operations
Chapter 7. File Operations
Chapter 8. Bash Shell Scripting
Chapter 9. Networking
Chapter 10. Working with Linux Filesystems
Chapter 11. Virtualization Overview
Chapter 12. Containers Overview
Chapter 13. Basic Troubleshooting
Chapter 14. Introduction to Git
Chapter 15. Using Git: An Example
Chapter 16. DevOps and GitOps

Exam Domains & Competencies
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Essential Commands20%
Search for, compare, and manipulate files and file content
Use pipes and shell input/output redirections
Analyze file content using regular expressions
Create and work with archives
Create and manage hard and symbolic links
List, set, and change file access permissions
System Configuration15%
Install software packages
Create and maintain filesystems
Administer local user and group accounts
Configure and set system time and timezone
Configure networking and local hostname resolution
Identify and inspect processes and services
Health-check and repair network services
Identify and inspect storage issues
Troubleshoot containers
Visualization and Containers20%
Create and manage local and cloud-hosted Virtual Machines
Use cloud-init to initialize cloud-hosted Virtual Machines
Create and manage application containers (Podman or Docker)
Understand the need for container orchestration
GitOps Basics25%
Use the Git version control system
Perform change/code review
Work on version control and collaboration platforms (GitHub, GitLab)
Understand models of change management
Run commands on multiple systems and capture output
Automate configuration management

The Linux Foundation worked with industry experts and the project’s community to identify the core domains and the critical skills, knowledge and competencies applicable to each certification. Performance-based exams were then developed based on the competencies that were identified.
Basic knowledge of Linux, including installing Linux and using the command line is helpful, but not required. If you don’t have any Linux experience, we highly recommend the free Introduction to Linux course.