Training > AI/Machine Learning > Ethics in AI and Data Science (LFS112)
Training Course

Ethics in AI and Data Science (LFS112)

Learn how to build and incorporate ethical principles and frameworks in your AI and Data Science technology and business initiatives to add transparency, build trust, drive adoption, and lead with responsibility.

Who Is It For

The course is designed for business, government and technology leaders and data scientists who are responsible for building and adopting AI tools.
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What You’ll Learn

In this course you will learn about business drivers for AI, the ethical challenges and impacts of AI and Data Science, the business and societal dynamics at work in an AI world, the key principles for building responsible AI, and more. This course introduces some of the principles and frameworks that puts ethics and responsibility into practice in the data analytics profession. And offers practical approaches to technical, business and leadership dilemmas and challenges posed by work in AI and Data Science.
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What It Prepares You For

You will walk away from this course with an understanding of how to add transparency, develop standards and share best practices to build trust and drive AI adoption.
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Course Outline
Chapter 1. The State of Ethics, Trust & Responsibility with AI and Data Science
Chapter 2. What do we mean by Artificial Intelligence and Data Science and Why It Matters
Chapter 3. Strategies (& Challenges) of Putting Ethics & Responsibility into Practice
