Training > Emerging Technologies > Fundamentals of Quantum Computing (LFQ101)
Training Course

Fundamentals of Quantum Computing (LFQ101)

Quantum computing brings fundamental change to the nature of what computing can accomplish. Quantum Computing has been discussed for decades, with promises of computing power and features unimaginable using current technology. This course dispels some of the myths surrounding quantum computing, explaining what it is at the moment, as well as why it is an exciting and essential technology to understand and embrace. Get ahead of the curve and start familiarizing yourself with this rapidly emerging technology!

Who Is It For

This course is designed for public sector leaders, Chief Information Officers (CIOs), and technology teams in charge of the planning, design, development and deployment of public service delivery and digital economy infrastructures and platforms. Learners should be generally familiar with how computers function and the current use of on-premise and cloud computing.
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What You’ll Learn

The course discusses the fundamentals of quantum computing, highlighting potential technological disruptions it brings. It discusses the current capabilities of quantum computing, current use cases, as well as prospective future applications, while emphasizing security advantages and dangers, especially around secure communication and encryption.
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What It Prepares You For

The course provides an understanding on how quantum computing could be used for complex decision making far beyond current computer capabilities, as well as an understanding of the technological, governmental, and industrial implications as the technology further matures.
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Course Outline
1. Course Introduction
2. Understanding Quantum Computing
3. Quantum Use Cases
4. Security Considerations

Learners should be generally familiar with how computers function and the current use of on-premise and cloud computing usage.
Sep 2023
Excellent course structure, introduction - overall and for each part - and conclusion; clear and high-quality content; first-class choice of interviews. Thanks very much to the Linux Foundation, Tim Serewicz, and all for putting together such a high-quality course, and for making it available to everyone.
Sep 2023
This course provides the overview, and the need for Quantum computing in different cases, that can be resolved (expedited) with any problems that are difficult for classical computers. This aspect of how the instructor, as well as some of the renowned workers, conveyed, invested me to pursue more in Quantum computing.
Aug 2023
The course is very intuitive, and it explains each concept as clearly as possible, with the help of easy visualizations and examples.
Jun 2023
It was a great learning experience, and the content was really useful and knowledgeable.
Jun 2023
The course content was well-structured and presented in a clear and engaging manner.