Training > Cloud & Containers > Kubernetes for App Developers (LFD459)

Kubernetes for App Developers (LFD459)

Learning to build Kubernetes applications will open up career opportunities in high-demand roles in DevOps, cloud engineering & containerization roles. Using Python, this course teaches how to define application resources & use core primitives to build, monitor & troubleshoot scalable applications in Kubernetes — including working with network plugins, security & cloud storage to deploy applications in a production environment.

In this live, instructor-led course you will learn with a cohort of fellow IT professionals while gaining key knowledge & skills related to the Certified Kubernetes Application Developer (CKAD) certification exam. Course enrollment includes:
→ FREE CKAD exam registration: 12 months to schedule with one retake
→ FREE CKAD exam simulator: 2 attempts
→ 12-month access to course materials

Who Is It For

This course is for experienced application developers who need to containerize, host, deploy, and configure an application in a multi-node cluster.
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What You’ll Learn

Starting with a simple Python script, this course will show you how to define application resources and use core primitives to build, monitor and troubleshoot scalable applications in Kubernetes. Working with network plugins, security and cloud storage, you will be exposed to many of the features needed to deploy an application in a production environment.
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What It Prepares You For

The course, along with real-world experience and study, will provide the skills and knowledge also tested by the Certified Kubernetes Application Developer (CKAD) exam.
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Course Outline
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- Objectives
- Who You Are
- The Linux Foundation
- Linux Foundation Training
- Certification Programs and Digital Badging
- Platform Details
Kubernetes Architecture
- What Is Kubernetes?
- Components of Kubernetes
- Challenges
- The Borg Heritage
- Kubernetes Architecture
- Terminology
- Control Plane Node
- Worker Nodes
- Pods
- Services
- Operators
- Single IP per Pod
- Networking Setup
- CNI Network Configuration File
- Pod-to-Pod Communication
- Cloud Native Computing Foundation
- Resource Recommendations
- Labs
- Container Options
- Containerizing an Application
- Creating the Dockerfile
- Hosting a Local Repository
- Creating a Deployment
- Running Commands in a Container
- Multi-Container Pod
- readinessProbe
- livenessProbe
- startupProbe
- Testing
- Helm
- Labs
- Traditional Applications: Considerations
- Decoupled Resources
- Transience
- Flexible Framework
- Managing Resource Usage
- Using Label Selectors
- Multi-Container Pods
- Sidecar Container
- Adapter Container
- Ambassador
- initContainer
- Custom Resource Definitions
- Points to Ponder
- Jobs
- Labs
Deployment Configuration
- Volumes Overview
- Introducing Volumes
- Volume Spec
- Volume Types
- Shared Volume Example
- Persistent Volumes and Claims
- Persistent Volume
- Persistent Volume Claim
- Dynamic Provisioning
- Secrets
- Using Secrets via Environment Variables
- Mounting Secrets as Volumes
- Portable Data with ConfigMaps
- Using ConfigMaps
- Deployment Configuration Status
- Scaling and Rolling Updates
- Deployment Rollbacks
- Labs
Understanding Security
- Security Overview
- Accessing the API
- Authentication
- Authorization
- RBAC Process Overview
- Admission Controller
- Security Contexts
- Pod Security Standards
- Network Policies
- Network Policy Example
- Default Policy Example
- Labs
Exposing Applications
- Service Types
- Services Diagram
- Service Update Pattern
- Accessing an Application with a Service
- Service without a Selector
- ClusterIP
- NodePort
- LoadBalancer
- ExternalName
- Ingress Resource
- Ingress Controller
- Service Mesh
- Labs
Application Troubleshooting
- Troubleshooting Overview
- Basic Troubleshooting Steps
- Ongoing (Constant) Change
- Basic Troubleshooting Flow: Pods
- Basic Troubleshooting Flow: Node and Security
- Basic Troubleshooting Flow: Agents
- Monitoring
- Logging Tools
- Monitoring Applications
- System and Agent Logs
- Conformance Testing
- More Resource
- Labs
Closing and Evaluation Survey
- Evaluation Survey

To get the most out of this course, you should have:

Basic Linux command line and file editing skills and be familiar with using a programming language (such as Python, Node.js, Go). Knowledge of Cloud Native application concepts and architectures (such as is taught in our free Introduction to Kubernetes edX MOOC) is helpful for this course.

Please note, Kubernetes Administration (LFS458) is not a pre-requisite for this course. There is overlap in the course materials as each one is designed to stand alone and aligns with the related exams.

May 2024
The instructor was very knowledgeable, and a good teacher.
Apr 2024
I had some knowledge of the topic from the beginning, which lead to me picking up details I didnt know. The exercises we had with a vm were very helpful. Even for a complete beginner I think this course is really good, because it touches on all the core components.
Apr 2024
Well organized course, teacher knows his stuff, and the PDF contains a lot of info!
Apr 2024
The overall scope of the Kubernetes topics covered, which will make me more confident in my day to day job and tasks.
Apr 2024
The setup for doing the labs was great, and allowed us to go though all the tasks without any real problems, regardless of our pc-setup. The information that needed to be covered was all well presented.