Training Course

Kubernetes Fundamentals (LFS258)

This course will give you a strong operating knowledge of Kubernetes fundamentals, including how to deploy a containerized application and manipulating resources via the API.

Who Is It For

This course is ideal for those wishing to manage a containerized application infrastructure. This includes existing IT administrators, as well as those looking to start a cloud career.
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What You’ll Learn

The Kubernetes Fundamentals course will teach you how to use the container management platform used by companies like Google to manage their application infrastructure. You will learn how to install and configure a production-grade Kubernetes cluster, from network configuration to upgrades to making deployments available via services. The course also distills key principles, such as pods, deployments, replicasets, and services, and will give you enough information so that you can start using Kubernetes on your own.
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What It Prepares You For

The course, along with real-world experience and study, will provide the skills and knowledge also tested by the Kubernetes Certified Administrator (CKA) exam.
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Course Outline
Chapter 1. Course Introduction
Chapter 2. Basics of Kubernetes
Chapter 3. Installation and Configuration
Chapter 4. Kubernetes Architecture
Chapter 5. APIs and Access
Chapter 6. API Objects
Chapter 7. Managing State with Deployments
Chapter 8. Helm
Chapter 9. Volumes and Data
Chapter 10. Services
Chapter 11. Ingress
Chapter 12. Scheduling
Chapter 13. Logging and Troubleshooting
Chapter 14. Custom Resource Definitions
Chapter 15. Security
Chapter 16. High Availability
Chapter 17. Exam Domain Review

Gain your certification after this course with our CKA Exam

Bundle this course and the exam to save $100

Before starting this course, you should be familiar with:

Lab Info
For hands-on lab exercises, access to a Linux server or Linux desktop/laptop is required. Access to a public cloud provider, or VirtualBox on your machine is also needed. Lab exercises in this course have been tested in a GCP environment.

If using a cloud provider like GCP or AWS, you should be able to complete the lab exercises using the free tier or credits provided to you. However, you may incur charges if you exceed the credits initially allocated by the cloud provider.

Sep 2023
Overall, the course provides a good systematization of the basics, and is logically thought out.
Sep 2023
Easy to follow course, with external references being used to help expand the content of the course.
Sep 2023
The course was detailed, made no assumptions about your existing knowledge, and highlighted common areas of difficulty.
Jun 2023
The course gave practical guidance that I have been able to use in my day-to-day job with Kubernetes.
Jun 2023
The labs were not only useful for the exam prep, but will continue to be useful for practicing at my next job.