Transform HF

Digital Innovation for Heart Failure Care

TRANSFORM HF aims to build, support, and seed fund a community of engineers, scientists and clinicians who will work in tandem with Indigenous health experts and patients to develop point-of-care diagnostics, wearables, and AI technologies to monitor and proactively treat people with heart failure in their homes – and empower them to be more active in their own care.

About UsOur Research
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Canadians are living with heart failure

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Days in hospital on average per visit

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New cases are diagnosed each year

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Canadians hospitalized per year

Heart Failure in Canada

Few chronic conditions carry as great a burden as heart failure. Yet its care in Canada is fragmented, low-tech and reactive, with glaring inequities in access, quality of care and patient outcomes. Through collaboration, integration and innovation, our diverse team will dramatically alter the management and trajectory of people with heart failure, bringing new innovations into clinical practice, and improving access to equitable high-quality care.

Together, we will break the barriers faced by Indigenous people and underserved communities. And improve care for all.


2024 Seed Grant for Climate, Health & Sustainable Care 

We are proud to launch a brand-new seed grant in partnership with The Collaborative Centre for Climate, Health & Sustainable Care to support members of our community working at the intersection of health and sustainability.

TRANSFORM HF is offering funding of up to $10,000 for one one-year collaborative project on the climate and environmental impacts of digital transformation in health. This grant will support a variety of research activities, including data collection, systematic scoping reviews, environmental scans, workshops, engagement processes, and research proposal development. 

TRANSFORM HF is pleased to present a 2024 Seed Grant to Drs. Dainty, Grunau, and their team for their proposal to build the first ever sensor to detect sudden cardiac arrest (SCA) – the ultimate heart failure.


photo of Beatrice

Collaborating for Equity: 2024 Collaboration Starter Grant Recipients

Our Collaboration Starter Grants support members of our community working together by funding the initial activities of collaborative projects that align with the TRANSFORM HF mission. We are pleased to announce the recipients of our 2024 Collaboration Starter Grants!


U of T Groundbreakers

Our University of Toronto Groundbreakers episode is live! Hear from Dr. Heather Ross, Amika Shah, and Dr. Dan Franklin to learn about some of the important work we are supporting.

Groundbreakers is a multimedia series that features U of T research superstars from the Institutional Strategic Initiatives.

Acknowledgement of Territory

We acknowledge the traditional territories of the Mississauga of the New Credit First Nation, Anishnawbe, Wendat, Huron, and Haudenosaunee Indigenous Peoples on which our partner institutions stand.

The territory was the subject of the Dish With One Spoon Wampum Belt Covenant, an agreement between the Iroquois Confederacy and Confederacy of the Ojibwe and allied nations to peaceably share and care for the resources around the Great Lakes. We would also like to pay our respects to all our ancestors and to our present Elders.