Tomofun | Furbo Pet Camera

Tomofun | Furbo Pet Camera


TaiwanTaipei City 20,449 位關注者

Tomofun - World’s Leading AI Pet Tech Company


Global AIoT pet tech company with the world's leading pet camera - Furbo Pet Camera. Founded in Taiwan, we created the #1 best-selling dog camera in 15 countries. At Tomofun, we absolutely LOVE pets and technology! Our vision is to bring joy and innovation to every pet lover in the world. We're a passionate startup full of talents who truly believe in making a difference in pet parents and their pets' lives through innovation. Tomofun is an exciting and fun workplace where we bring our pets to work everyday! We are a tight-knit family who have a shared mission to not only create innovative products but also to make meaningful social impact through our work. As a team, we truly embrace each other’s differences and adapt to changes quickly to stay ahead of the trend! Headquartered in Taipei, we also have offices in Tokyo, Seattle, Munich, Manila, and we're scaling to more pet-loving cities to expand our global footprint. We are pioneers in the pet tech industry. Our debut product, Furbo - the world's first AIoT treat-tossing dog camera, is the #1 bestseller on Amazon in 11 countries including the US, UK and JP and have millions of users in 113 countries. In 2019, we launched an AI-powered subscription service, the Furbo Dog Nanny which sends smart alerts to our users to notify them to check on the safety of their dogs when they are home alone. Since the launch of Furbo Dog Nanny, we have saved hundreds of dogs' lives and are continuing to innovate and develop new features with our state-of-the-art technology. Are you ready to bring joy to millions of pet lovers around the world and wow them with your awesome ideas? Are you the game-changer that we are craving for? Come join our pack!

51-200 名員工
Taipei CityTaiwan
PetTech、AI和User-Centric Design


Tomofun | Furbo Pet Camera員工


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    #TomofunNews 🚀 Meowvelous Partnership with Marvel Entertainment 🦸♀️ Tomofun has teamed up with Marvel Studios for an epic collaboration! 🤝 We're thrilled to share the exclusive trailer of 𝐌𝐚𝐫𝐯𝐞𝐥 𝐒𝐭𝐮𝐝𝐢𝐨𝐬' 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐌𝐚𝐫𝐯𝐞𝐥𝐬 that introduces our latest product, the 𝐅𝐮𝐫𝐛𝐨 𝐂𝐚𝐭 𝐂𝐚𝐦𝐞𝐫𝐚! 🐱💥 🎥 Check out the purr-fect blend of innovation and superhero vibes! “...𝘯𝘰 𝘮𝘢𝘵𝘵𝘦𝘳 𝘸𝘩𝘦𝘳𝘦 𝘺𝘰𝘶 𝘢𝘳𝘦 𝘪𝘯 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘶𝘯𝘪𝘷𝘦𝘳𝘴𝘦, 𝘍𝘶𝘳𝘣𝘰 𝘬𝘦𝘦𝘱𝘴 𝘺𝘰𝘶 𝘤𝘰𝘯𝘯𝘦𝘤𝘵𝘦𝘥 𝘵𝘰 𝘺𝘰𝘶𝘳 𝘣𝘦𝘭𝘰𝘷𝘦𝘥 𝘱𝘦𝘵𝘴 (𝘢𝘯𝘥 𝘍𝘭𝘦𝘳𝘬𝘦𝘯𝘴).” 🎬🐾 Shout out to Tomofuners who made this awesome partnership possible - Christina McEwen Schweigert, Jordan Devoe, Devonne Pei Yi Niam, Connie Tseng, Rupa Huang, Shiao-Ying (Annie) Chen, Shu Hsuan Hsu, Hsueh Chi W., Lin To, Stella Lin, Zoe Chuang, Michelle and also to our incredible partners - Jackie Collins and Victor Farfan:) ---- Join Tomofun to bring joy and innovation to every pet lover in the world! #TomofunxMarvel #FurboCatCamera #CaptainMarvel

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    #TomofunNews 【 Inspiring the Next Generation with AI 】 When is the first time you heard about #AI ? Last week, three of our brilliant AI engineers hosted a sharing session at an AI summer camp for elementary school students! From 3rd graders to 6th graders, the young minds were full of curiosity, questions and excitement about AI! Our engineers guided them through interactive experiences, from chatting with #ChatGPT to witnessing the magic of AI-generated art and music using #suno . We also demo #Furbo pet camera’s AI features, and let the students use their imagination to brainstorm what AI can do more! Not only did we share our knowledge, we are also inspired by their ability to grasp complex concepts and dream big for the future! Tomofun 三位 AI 工程師非常開心受趨勢教育基金會之邀,參與 AI 魔法夏令營,和對 AI 懷有滿滿熱忱的小學生們分享 AI 的奧秘以及 Furbo 應用 AI! ---- Join Tomofun to bring joy and innovation to every pet lover in the world! #AI #Education #STEM #FutureTech #Inspiration #Mentorship #KidsWhoCode #YoungInnovators

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    #TomofunLife 【 RD All-Hands Meeting! 🧑🏻💻 】 Shortly after a fun team-building event, our RD team gathered for a productive all-hands meeting! Different from the company-wide one, this event is exclusive for our RD team and is more focused on #technical side to: 📌 Recognize collective achievements in the first half of 2024 📌 Share the vision of our long-term roadmap and strategic direction 📌 Foster open communication through an open Q&A session to encourage questions By aligning our shared vision and goals, we're excited to embark on the next chapter of innovation in 2024! Tomofun R&D 團隊在 Team Building 後,緊接著舉行了眾所期待的 All-Hands 會議! 相比起全公司規模,RD All-hands 更聚焦於技術層面如何達成公司未來產品方向及願景,我們也鼓勵 Tomofuners 踴躍提出疑問,讓交流更順暢及透明! ---- Join Tomofun to bring joy and innovation to every pet lover in the world! #AllHandsMeeting #OpenCommunication #Innovation ---- Join Tomofun to bring joy and innovation to every pet lover in the world! #TeamBuilding #R&D #Team

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    #Jobopenings link in comment! 【 Tomofun Tech Blog 】Tomofuners 放大鏡 Beryl Wen Tech Blog #人物訪談 系列再開! 這次我們邀請到軟體測試工程師 - Beryl 深度分享個人成長與求職故事✨ 無論你是新鮮人求職或是想轉換跑道,從 Beryl 的視角你能了解到 👉 新鮮人求職的思考方向 👉 Tomofun 的開發與測試文化 👉 自己適不適合加入 Tomofun SDET Team (現正招募中!) Tomofuner’s interview is out again! This time, we invite Beryl - our Software Engineer In Test who joined Tomofun as her first job to share her career choice and her nealrly 2-year experience here. 立即點擊文章,看看 Beryl 如何在 Tomofun 成長並找到成就感吧! Read her story and see if Tomofun can be your next adventure!   ➡️   ---- Join Tomofun to bring joy and innovation to every pet lover in the world! #TechBlog #EmployeeInterview #SDET #qualityassurance

    Tomofuners 放大鏡: Beryl Wen / Software Engineer in Test

    Tomofuners 放大鏡: Beryl Wen / Software Engineer in Test

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    #TomofunLife #FurboForGood #TomofunNA 【 Tomofun North America Team X FROSTED FACES FOUNDATION INC 🇺🇸 】 Furever fun and giving back! Last week, Tomofun North America team incorporated a heartwarming volunteer activity into their quarterly #workshop schedule! The team spent a pawsome day at the Frosted Faces Foundation (FFF) in San Diego, an organization dedicated to rescuing and rehoming dogs. Their visit included a scenic hike with five adorable pups, followed by a tour of the FFF facilities. We're proud of our North America team for going the extra mile to support this amazing organization through our Furbo for Good (FFG) initiative. ❤️ ---- Join Tomofun to bring joy and innovation to every pet lover in the world! #Volunteering #GivingBack #socialimpact #teamwork

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    #TomofunLife #Jobopenings available! 【 Team Building Day for RD Team 🎳 】 Work hard, play hard! Tomofun RD team recently took a well-deserved break to hit the bowling lanes and test their darting skills at EZPLAY, a haven for all things fun! Nearly 50 team members gathered for a day of friendly competition and relaxation. It was a perfect opportunity to recharge for the next exciting half year. 💪 上週 Tomofun RD Team 暫時放下手邊的工作前往 E7Play 大玩特玩! 秉持 Work hard, play harder 精神一起放鬆身心~ 久違的 Team Building 讓大家找回了滿滿的活力 ✨ 充飽電的團隊也準備好一起迎接更多挑戰、不斷成長! Looking to join a dynamic and fun-loving RD team? We're currently #hiring for positions open to fresh talents! 想一起加入我們嗎?Tomofun RD Team 現正招募中 #歡迎新鮮人 📌 Software Engineer In Test: 📌 IT Helpdesk: ---- Join Tomofun to bring joy and innovation to every pet lover in the world! #TeamBuilding #R&D #Team

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    #TomofunNews #PM小聚 #產品指標實戰指南 Growth Secrets Revealed: Data-driven strategies for product development and growth We're thrilled to celebrate our Sr. Growth Product Manager Pai-Chen Hsueh, who recently joined as a guest speaker at a product manager meet-up hosted by the Taiwan Product Managers community and 圖靈數位 Turing Digital, the official Mixpanel partner in Taiwan! Over 30 passionate product managers from various industries gathered after work, eager to learn and grow! Recognized by Mixpanel as a successful user from Taiwan, Pai took our subscription service as an example to share insights on Tomofun's approach to data-driven decision-making. Happy to join alongside two brilliant guest speakers - Peter Su from XREX and Allison Wang as well! Fostering collaboration and sharing our expertise not only internally but within the industry is what we believe can contribute to a thriving product management ecosystem! ---- Join Tomofun to bring joy and innovation to every pet lover in the world! #ProductManager #Growth #Mixpanel #DataDriven

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    #TomofunNews Big News for Pet Lovers: Introducing Furbo Mini! Many parts of the world have already seen the arrival of Furbo Mini – Tomofun’s latest powerful pet camera designed for homes and paws of all sizes!  Inspired by pet parents, Furbo Mini is a direct response to valuable customer feedback! Now with this smaller camera that offers more placement options, pawrents can stay connected with their furry ones and also enjoy all the powerful features! Firstly launched for pet parents in the US, Canada, Australia, and Japan, the long-awaited Furbo Mini will meet the rest of the world soon! #FurboMini #PetTech #NewProductLaunch #PetCamera

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    #TomofunLife #TomofunEU 【 Q2 Workshop - Tomofun Europe Unites for Growth 🇩🇪】 Five dedicated members from Tomofun HQ flew to Germany to co-host the EU quarterly workshop, fostering a spirit of teamwork and strengthening the collaboration between HQ and our EU team! This time, the team looked beyond internal strategic planning and organized focus groups and home tests to gain insights from local pawrents. The goal? Crafting winning strategies to maximum impact at Prime Day! Besides the intense workshop, the team also took this chance for a dinner party. We believe that bonding between HQ and our European team will ensure we move forward as a united front. ---- Join Tomofun to bring joy and innovation to every pet lover in the world! #EuropeWorkshop #CrossFunctionalCollaboration #MarketValidation

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    #TomofunLife #TomofunJapan 【 Q2 Workshop - Tomofun Japan Gears Up for Prime Day 🎉】 Our Tomofun Japan digital marketing team recently wrapped up a productive Q2 workshop, setting their goals and plans for the highly anticipated Amazon Prime Day! Joined by Sr. Global Digital Marketing Director Claire Cheng, the team   kicked off the workshop with a review of this year's performance. It was evident that the Japanese market has impressive growth – especially for the exciting new Furbo Mini launch!  Fueled by positive results, the team delved into strategic planning for Prime Day, ensuring everything will be in place to make the sales season a success and bring joy and innovation to even more pet lovers in Japan! ---- Join Tomofun to bring joy and innovation to every pet lover in the world! #Workshop #PrimeDay #FurboMini #Teamwork

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