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Monday 27 February 2012


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The loony Left, out to destroy youngsters' hopes of a job

Businesses that offer the young a chance of real work should be praised, not vilified, says Boris Johnson.


Greece sinks to its knees

David Blair reports from Athens on a nation that eyes the future without hope.


Labour can't have it both ways on bonuses

Some of Ed’s team want to stop City payouts, others to tax them to pay for pet projects, notes Jeff Randall.


Why should gay couples get special treatment?

Opponents of gay marriage are not all bigots preaching hate, writes Cristina Odone.


The Government should stand up to rent-a-mob

The BBC has paid reverent, and wildly disproportionate, attention to even the most ill-informed objections, says Janet Daley.


Workfare provides a ladder of hope, from despair to dignity

The PM (maybe stretching it a bit) has called business 'the most powerful force for social progress the world has ever known, says Matthew d'Ancona.


We should budget to spend less, not tax more

Telegraph View: The news that the top one per cent of earners pay 28 per cent of income tax shows that, despite the myths, the rich make a proportionate contribution to the nation.


Russia: a gangster state

Telegraph View: Vladimir Putin is locked into the corrupt system he has created in his country.


The only way is Guiding

Telegraph View: The news that thousands more girls have joined the Guides and Brownies is a cheering riposte to "ladette" culture.



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Building bridges with East Asia will benefit the UK and promote trade

After being asked to enter the House of Lords in mid-2009, I discovered a little known fact: there aren't many active Parliamentarians originally from East Asia in Europe.


Rose Prince: My diary of an alcohol-free Lent

Like many middle-class, middle-aged women, I look forward rather too much to that glass of white wine, says Rose Prince.


Syria: the two sides of President Assad

Assad is convinced his people love him, even as he kills them, says Andrew Gilligan.


Sandi considers a place for cockroaches in her last supper

Apparently, cockroaches taste like lettuce, seaweed or Gorgonzola cheese, depending on where you bite into them

This Bill is the right remedy for the NHS

Telegraph View: Unfortunately Andrew Lansley has failed to convey the wisdom of the changes to the public.


Innocent blood cries out to Assad

Telegraph View: How can the world stop the Syrian tyrant perpetrating a massacre in Homs like the destruction visited on Hama by his father.


A retreat on workfare would fail our young

Telegraph View: This country is in danger of creating a lost generation unless it becomes leaner, meaner and smarter.


Ready to hop on and off

Telegraph View: The red double-decker bus remains an emblem of Britain, as much as Big Ben or Tower Bridge.


Stabilising Somalia

Telegraph View: Britain has poured money into this beleagured nation, but its own leaders must do more.


A higher class of chorus

Telegraph View: Let's test the theory that birds sing at a higher pitch in towns.


A failure of conduct, and of conscience

Telegraph View: The bungles of the Care Quality Commission point to a malaise within our society.


David Cameron needs to make the case for capitalism

Telegraph View: The Tories should make plain their views on the economy and make this a Budget for jobs.


Abortion anxieties

Telegraph View: The Daily Telegraph’s revelations regarding widespread illegal abortions must be acted upon.
