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Monday 27 February 2012


Earth is your source for environmental and green news, with information on global warming, pollution, green living and recycling, as well as tips on how to cut your contribution to climate change.

Hands Off Our Land campaign: latest

The Telegraph's Hands Off Our Land campaign is calling for the Coalition to look again at proposed changes to planning laws which risk undermining the safeguards that have protected the countryside for almost 70 years. Follow the latest developments here.

Earth Latest

New battle over dog inbreeding

The world's biggest dog show is set to be overshadowed by a row over inbreeding and health problems facing many of the pedigree animals taking part.

26 Feb 2012

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Drought spreads across England

The drought is spreading across England with areas in the Midlands and South West declared in danger of water shortages.

24 Feb 2012

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New global alliance launched to save the oceans

The World Bank is mustering a new coalition to save the oceans from environmental destruction, it was announced on Friday.

24 Feb 2012

The woman who fosters elephants in Kenya

For more than half a century Dame Daphne Sheldrick has rescued and looked after orphaned elephants and other animals in Kenya

24 Feb 2012

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A higher class of chorus

Telegraph View: Let's test the theory that birds sing at a higher pitch in towns.

23 Feb 2012

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Footpaths should be diverted from gardens and 'dangerous' farmyards say landowners

Footpaths should be five feet wide and avoid gardens and busy farmyards, according to a new report that urges Government to end the right to reopen historic rights of way.

23 Feb 2012

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Developers gave £500k to Tories

Developers gaining from new planning reforms donated large sums to party.

22 Feb 2012

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Reversing extinction is a mammoth task

The revival of a frozen Siberian flower paves the way for other species to return, says Matt Ridley.

21 Feb 2012

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Matt Baker questions effectiveness of wind farms

Matt Baker, the presenter of BBC’s Countryfile, is the latest high profile figure to question the effectiveness of wind farms and ask if they are a threat to the beauty of the British countryside.

21 Feb 2012

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The world has forgotten the real victims of Fukushima

A natural disaster that cost the lives of thousands of people was ignored in favour of a nuclear 'disaster’ that never was, argues Michael Hanlon.

21 Feb 2012

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Drought declared as water levels hit 35-year low

South east now officially in state of drought, Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs admits.

21 Feb 2012

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Will another £30m 'supercomputer' and a better website mean no more 'bbq summers' from the Met Office?

The Met Office should be more open with the public about the probabilities of bad weather - and needs to buy a new super-computer to improve the accuracy of its forecasts, MPs say.

21 Feb 2012

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Dolphins 'should be recognised as non-human persons'

Dolphins and whales are so intelligent that they should be recognised as "non-human persons" and given their own bill of rights, researchers claim.

21 Feb 2012

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John Glenn solo orbit: 50 years on

John Glenn made his historic space flight alone in 1962 but celebrated its 50th anniversary on Monday with hundreds.

21 Feb 2012

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Drought warning: shower limit

Residents being sent egg timers so they don't linger in the shower, as drought is declared in South east.

20 Feb 2012

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Drought declared as water levels hit 35-year low

South east now officially in state of drought, Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs admits.

20 Feb 2012

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Summer drought worse than 1976

Parts of country to see groundwater levels lower than in 1976 drought.

20 Feb 2012

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Prince Charles forced to rethink plans for Poundbury because of pollution fears

The Prince of Wales has been forced to adapt his latest plans to expand Poundbury because of sewage effluent as fears grow across the country about river pollution in the coming drought.

20 Feb 2012

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Salmon under threat from parasite

A deadly parasite spread by a foreign species of fish may be threatening Britain's salmon and fresh water fish, researchers have found.

19 Feb 2012

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Warning over decline in map skills as ramblers rely on sat navs

Ramblers are getting lost because many no longer have basic map reading skills and rely on smart phones and sat navs, mountain rescuers have warned.

19 Feb 2012

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Save our bees: scientists reveal the plants that could halt bee decline

Planting the right kind of flowers in gardens may help to halt the decline of British bees, according to scientists.

19 Feb 2012

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The aftershocks still hitting Japan

One year after the tsunami, the Fukushima 50 speak for the first time, while a mother who spent days searching for her son tells why the scars remain

19 Feb 2012

Only the heavens can prevent a drought

Last summer’s rains only provided brief relief - Britain is now facing the biggest water crisis since 1976, says Geoffrey Lean.

17 Feb 2012

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Animal photos of the week

All creatures great and small in our ever popular animal gallery.

17 Feb 2012

'Mutant' snowdrop sells for £725

The world's most expensive snowdrop bulb, cultivated "by accident" by an elderly couple in Scotland, has sold for more than £700.

17 Feb 2012

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