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Monday 27 February 2012

Financial Crisis

The collapse of Lehman Brothers in September 2008 helped trigger an economic and financial crisis that swept across the globe.

Financial crisis latest news

Debt crisis: live

The world's leading economic powers said they would not stump up more cash to fight Europe's debt crisis until the eurozone members increase their own contributions, in a move that piles pressure on this week's Brussels summit.

27 Feb 2012

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Lloyds and RBS eye cheap ECB loans

Lloyds Banking Group and Royal Bank of Scotland, the part-nationalised British banks, may access the European Central Bank's three-year, low interest loans facility this week, the Financial Times reported on Monday.

27 Feb 2012

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IMF doubts eurozone war chest accord by April

IMF managing director Christine Lagarde conceded there may be no agreement by April from its members to raise $500bn (£378bn) to help Europe fight its debt crisis because you can't do it by "flicking your fingers".

27 Feb 2012

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Greece sinks to its knees

David Blair reports from Athens on a nation that eyes the future without hope.

26 Feb 2012

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G20: no more IMF cash unless eurozone boosts financial firewall

The world's leading economies will not stump up more cash to fight Europe's debt crisis until the eurozone members increase their own contributions, in a move that piles pressure on this week's Brussels summit.

26 Feb 2012

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G20 Communiqué: full text

The world's leading economic powers have said they will not stump up more cash to fight Europe's debt crisis until the eurozone members increase their own contributions. Here is the G20 communique text in full.

26 Feb 2012

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George Osborne: the UK has run out of money

The Government cannot afford debt-fuelled tax cuts or spending.

26 Feb 2012

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It may well turn out that we are watching not a Greek but a euro tragedy

Another week, another euro "solution". According to last week's plan, by 2020 the ratio of Greek national debt to GDP will be down to 120.5pc. You don't really need to know much more to see that we are in cloud cuckoo land.

26 Feb 2012

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Spanish revolt brews as national economic rearmament begins in Europe

Spain's new prime minister has looked into the abyss and recoiled.

26 Feb 2012

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Osborne: no bailout without credible firewall

Britain and other leading economies are not ready to fund another eurozone bailout, UK Chancellor George Osborne said on Sunday.

26 Feb 2012

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Osborne rules out new Eurozone bailout

Chancellor says extra funds will not be handed over until euro countries commit resources, as ministers meet at G20 summit.

26 Feb 2012

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Geithner: Europe must build 'stronger and more credible firewall'

US Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner has urged European leaders not to rest on the recent progress they've made in tackling a crisis that remains "deeply consequential" to the prospects of a global economic recovery.

25 Feb 2012

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German minister calls for Greek euro exit

Germany’s interior minister called for Greece to leave the eurozone on Saturday as hopes that the world’s richest countries would stump up more cash to help the International Monetary Fund fight Europe’s debt crisis faded.

25 Feb 2012

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Soaring oil prices will dwarf the Greek drama

Since last week's eurozone "grand summit", the headlines have been positive and, in the official photos anyway, the main players appear to be smiling. As such, the global equity rally goes on.

25 Feb 2012

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World Bank chief: Greece's €130bn bailout merely buys it time

Outgoing World Bank chief Robert Zoellick has warned that Greece's latest bailout would merely buy it time, adding that a European recession would hamper crucial reforms needed to lift the area out of the crisis.

25 Feb 2012

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Debt crisis: as it happened - February 24, 2012

Athens launches its bond swap with private investors to slash €107bn of debt, while the German finance minister warns that Greece may need further financial help.

24 Feb 2012

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Greek bond swap begins amid Germany's bailout doubts

Athens has launched the biggest sovereign bond restructuring in history to cut its debt by €107bn - amid warnings from Germany that even if it were successful, there were 'no guarantees' Greece could be rescued.

24 Feb 2012

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Greek statement on bond swap: in full

Athens has launched a bond swap with private investors to slash €107bn of the country's debt. Here is the Greek statement in full.

24 Feb 2012

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Eurogroup statement on Greek debt crisis: in full

Athens is preparing to launch a bond swap with private investors to slash €107bn of the country's debt. Here is the Eurogroup's statement in full.

24 Feb 2012

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ECB loans at the ready

Top stories: Lloyds, ECB's cash line, Glencore and the week ahead.

24 Feb 2012

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German showdown with IMF looms

Germany's ruling parties are to introduce a resolution in parliament blocking any further boost to the EU’s bail-out machinery, vastly complicating Greece’s rescue package and risking a major clash with the IMF.

23 Feb 2012

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Debt crisis: as it happened - February 23, 2012

The President of the ECB warns that the eurozone is recovering "very slowly", while the EC cuts its 2012 growth forecasts and the Greek Parliament approves debt legislation to help push through a €107bn debt writedown.

23 Feb 2012

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If we want the UK to grow, we should take lessons from Germany

In 2008 in the Telegraph, Margaret Thatcher’s former foreign affairs adviser, (now Lord) Charles Powell, recounted how German Chancellor Helmut Kohl sought to win the friendship of the Iron Lady in the 1980s when the two were in power.

23 Feb 2012

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Why Greece should default and exit the euro

European and Greek leaders have heralded their €130bn bail-out agreement as a momentous victory. Two days later, few others seem to think so.

23 Feb 2012

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Eurozone heading into recession, says EU

The eurozone economy is heading into its second recession in just three years, while the wider European Union will stagnate, the EU said, warning that the area has yet to break its vicious cycle of debt.

23 Feb 2012

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