The Wayback Machine -

iProfiler™ - MedSci Healthcare


Want to know where your target HCPs / KOLs is?

Focusing on China's healthcare industry for decades has enabled us to obtain accurate behavioral data of more than 2 million HCPs

Integrate open data sources, external data sources and unique internal data sources

iProfiler provides our customers with the ability to accurately locate the target HCPs and KOLs



Integrate open data and unique internal data

HCPs basic info and expertise

HCPs academic ability, scientific achievement, collaboration and network

HCPs internet behavior data

HCPs clinical practice preference and prescription awareness

understand HCPs



BI Report

Timely understand the product coverage target, coverage ratio, regional hospitals and doctors' details

Multi dimensional data statistics of tiers, regions, departments, etc



Standard or customized data services

Our data experts maintain data for you to ensure you can concentrate all resources into commercial operation.

We provide data quality assessment, data cleaning, data supplement, data verification, data matching and customization services.

Our clinical research, medical affairs and intelligent marketing team will provide omini-solution for you



KOLs profiling

Identify KOLs and related experts nationwide, more than 90000 chief physicians and 200,000 deputy chief physicians

Through key information such as KOL's academic field, various positions, opinions, possible cooperation direction, we can help you to fully understand each KOL.

By intuitively presenting KOLs relationship citation chart, you can understand the interactive information between KOL from a new macro perspective, help you identify potential KOL




Clinical practice influence


Clinical research influence


Communication content / channel preference


KOLs potential / cooperation willingness


  • brand
  • brand
  • brand
  • brand
  • brand
  • brand
  • brand
  • brand
  • brand
  • brand