This plugin hasn’t been tested with the latest 3 major releases of WordPress. It may no longer be maintained or supported and may have compatibility issues when used with more recent versions of WordPress.

Simple Documentation


This plugin helps webmasters/developers to provide documentation through the wordpress dashboard.

This plugins allows you to share 4 types of content:

  • “Link” It is a simple link with a custom title and url which will open in a new tab
  • “Video” Allow you to put an embed code from websites like Youtube, Vimeo, ScreenR (all the ones which gives you iframe based code)
  • “Quick Note” This a short text which intend to help by giving a short tip! (for longer content use Links!)
  • “File” Upload a file to the wordpress installation and display the link. (The file link can be filled manually if you upload content by FTP).

As an administrator, you can add, edit or remove content, choose the number of items displayed per page in the widget, the targeted backend user role and customize the widget title and welcome message.

Backend Users and Administrators can pin items to highlight them.

I’m currently working on rewriting this plugin from scratch in order to improve its reliability and make it easier to maintain. Thanks for your patience.


  • Multisite support
  • Import / Export



You can submit issues and pull request on Github


  • Simple Documentation in your dashboard
  • Main editor. Choose between different type of content
  • Setting page


The installation is not tricky. It’s simple as activating the plugin and Add content !
Hit the import/export button to copy your installation on multiple WP installations.


What’s happenning when I delete this plugin ?

All the data stored in your database and WordPress options are also deleted ! When the plugin is desactivated, all data remains in your database.

How to add code snippets to my notes ?

You must add your code snippet between <code> tags.


July 16, 2017 3 replies
While using WP 4.8, this plugin installed, activated, but does not work. I edited the first example doc they had, but when I went to add a new one, it simply overwrote the first one with a blank document. So, both were now gone and I cannot add anymore. Broken.
September 3, 2016
This plug-in is exactly what I need to bring some documentation for my clients right to the WordPress backend dashboard. I only miss the possibility to add images to the documentation.
September 3, 2016
I’ve been using this off and on for a couple of years and it just keeps getting better. Run into a few issues along the way, but nothing insurmountable. Thank you @mathieuhays
February 7, 2017
These guys are really doing it well – Categories, sorting, content editing with no limitations (pics, videos, rich text), etc You may want to check it out. Best, LS
Read all 15 reviews

Contributors & Developers

“Simple Documentation” is open source software. The following people have contributed to this plugin.


“Simple Documentation” has been translated into 2 locales. Thank you to the translators for their contributions.

Translate “Simple Documentation” into your language.

Interested in development?

Browse the code, check out the SVN repository, or subscribe to the development log by RSS.



  • Fix potential plugin conflict


  • [Security] Fix vulnerability


  • Fix bug when trying to add empty item
  • Add compatibility with


  • Fix bug when using the editor in “Text” mode


  • Fix file attachment edition issues



  • Remove slashes appearing after editing an item.


  • User restriction issue fix.


  • Re-order by Drag & Drop
  • Per item user limitation
  • Serbo-Croatian adapted from version 1.1.8 version. (Provided by Borisa Djuraskovic)


  • German translation improved
  • Text edition. Correction.

Thanks to Alexander Pfabel and Vernon Fowler.



  • Video and File edition Fix
  • Retina support on Menu icon
  • Loading statement added on edit/add buttons.


  • Now you can add code snippets in note using <code> tag.
  • <br> tag fix on note and video


  • Edit field MySQL optimization
  • Quick note and Video now support br tag
  • Menu position conflicts fixed


  • Field edition fix.
  • Basic html support added to quick note content. (a,strong,b,em,i)


  • MP6 optimization on modal box
  • Cache issue fix


  • CSS version fix


  • Multisite basic support
  • Import / Export feature added
  • String issues fixed.
  • Welcome, Pinned and All items customization added.


  • Welcome message now support HTML tags
  • Video height issue fixed


  • Add Welcome message customization
  • Custom role support


  • Icons fix


  • Plugin’s Name and Description Fix


  • Initial Version