This plugin hasn’t been tested with the latest 3 major releases of WordPress. It may no longer be maintained or supported and may have compatibility issues when used with more recent versions of WordPress.



SupportFlow is a web based help desk software. SupportFlow is a web based help desk software. It allows teams to manage support tickets using a web interface.

A few of its features are:

  • Allow agents to create/reply tickets using web interface.

  • Customers can create ticket by sending an E-Mail or filling a web based form.

  • Agents can opt to get E-Mail notifications of replies of tickets.

  • Administrator can limit agents access to particular tags.

  • Administrators can see daily/weekly/monthly ticket statistics.

  • Agents can view tickets assigned to them in admin dashboard.

  • Agents can insert predefined replies to the tickets.

  • Agents can add their signature to tickets using one-click.

  • Agents can forward whole conversation to anyone using its E-Mail ID.

To contribute to SupportFlow visit [github] (


  1. Install SupportFlow either via the plugin directory, or by uploading the files to your server and activate it.

  2. After activating open E-Mail accounts page in SupportFlow menu and add an E-Mail account you wish to use with SupportFlow.

Now you are ready to use SupportFlow.


How can I insert a SupportFlow contact form in my site.

Just add [supportflow_submissionform] shortcode to the post you want to add SupportFlow form to.

Why aren’t messages being sent or received? =

After successfully adding an e-mail account under SupportFlow > E-mail Accounts, make sure you wait for at least 5 minutes because the retrieval script only runs once every 5 minutes.

If it still isn’t working, check the log for any error messages or clues. To view the logs, add this line to a
functionality plugin, and then visit the SupportFlow > Log page.

add_filter( 'supportflow_show_log', '__return_true' );

Warning: The logs will contain private data, so be very careful if you share them with anyone. Make sure you redact anything that you don’t want to share.


October 2, 2017
Finally a simple plugin for ticketing that uses posts types and user roles in WordPress the proper way! I can’t wait to integrate it in our network! Yay! Disclaimer: I haven’t tested the email notifications and ticket creation yet.
September 3, 2016
Running PHP7 and 4.5-alpha-36246 and I just wanted to say that everything works great! Although I can’t read & write code at 100% fluency, I just wanted to post over here so that the theme authors would know that Yes Indeed! Everything’s looking great!
February 8, 2017
Imap and smtp not accepted. Tried the demo, and tried from my own servers. aall not accepted
Read all 4 reviews

Contributors & Developers

“SupportFlow” is open source software. The following people have contributed to this plugin.


Translate “SupportFlow” into your language.

Interested in development?

Browse the code, check out the SVN repository, or subscribe to the development log by RSS.


0.7 (2016-06-28)

  • Security: Fix two XSS vulnerabilities: #145091-h1 with CVSS score 6.1 (Medium), and #145086-h1 with CVSS score 4.7 (Medium). Thanks to whitehatter for discovering and disclosing them responsibly.
  • Security: Add extra output escaping throughout plugin.
  • Fix: Respect the Reply-To header.
  • Update: Increase Gmail synchronization interval to 10 minutes.
  • Full changelog


  • Security: Tightened access controls to read and set SupportFlow permissions.
  • Privacy: Prevented leaking e-mail subject lines in search results.
  • Privacy: Prevented leaking customer e-mail addresses to WordPress users that lacked SupportFlow permissions.


  • Improved handling of large mailboxes during initial message download.
  • Tickets are now re-opened when new replies are added.
  • Better handling of non-ASCII messages.
  • Outgoing messages are now prefixed with a sequential ticket number instead of a random code.
  • Agents are now notified if a message failed to send.
  • Several minor bug fixes.
  • Full changelog


  • Uploads are now attached when sending a reply.
  • Fix the timestamps on replies.
  • Added ctrl-enter keyboard shortcut to submit replies.
  • The original message is now quoted in replies.
  • Added a filter to modify the IMAP cron interval.
  • Added some logging to help troubleshoot problems.
  • Full changelog


  • Auto-saving tickets
  • Recently created tickets widget in dashboard
  • Ticket assigned to current agent widget in dashboard
  • Other tickets by the customer in view ticket page
  • Allow agents to add signature in ticket
  • Allowing basic HTML in replies
  • Easy creation of support form using [supportflow_submissionform] shortcode
  • Securely saving attachments
  • Fixed bugs


  • Fix nonce and escaping bugs.
  • Add ability to forward a ticket to someone outside of SupportFlow.
  • Add a statistics page.
  • Various minor bug fixes.
  • Various UI and UX tweaks.


  • Initial release.