This plugin hasn’t been tested with the latest 3 major releases of WordPress. It may no longer be maintained or supported and may have compatibility issues when used with more recent versions of WordPress.

YOURLS Link Creator


Creates a YOURLS generated shortlink on demand or when saving posts.


  • Optional custom keyword for link creation.
  • Will retrieve existing URL if one has already been created.
  • Click count appears on post menu
  • Available for standard posts and custom post types.
  • Optional filter for wp_shortlink
  • Built in cron job will fetch updated click counts every hour.


  • Metabox to create YOURLS link with optional keyword field
  • Example of a post with a created link and click count
  • Post column displaying click count
  • Settings page


This section describes how to install the plugin and get it working.

  1. Upload yourls-link-creator to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory.
  2. Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ menu in WordPress.
  3. Navigate to the “YOURLS Settings” option in the Settings Menu.
  4. Enter your YOURLS custom URL and API key
  5. Enjoy!


What’s this all about?

This plugin creates a shortlink (stored in the post meta table) for each post that can be used in sharing buttons, etc.

What is YOURLS?

YOURLS is a self-hosted PHP based application that allows you to make your own custom shortlinks, similar to and Learn more about it here

How do I use the template tag?

Place the following code in your theme file (usually single.php) <?php yourls_display_box(); ?>

The delete function doesn’t remove the short URL from my YOURLS installation

This is a limitation with the YOURLS API, as there is not a method yet to delete a link. The delete function has been added to the plugin to allow users to get the updated URL that they may have changed in the YOURLS admin panel


August 7, 2018
Works fine on WordPress 4.9.8. Surprisingly I’ve not had anyone comment on my unusual shortened url as it’s not a common domain and not the same as my blog name but people click on it!
May 8, 2018
Still works after couple of years since switching on with YOURLS in May of 2016. As of today still works with PHP 7.2 and WP Version 4.9.5.
October 23, 2017
Simple plugin that just works. Nice to have posts automagically create Yourls short links.
Read all 14 reviews

Contributors & Developers

“YOURLS Link Creator” is open source software. The following people have contributed to this plugin.


Translate “YOURLS Link Creator” into your language.

Interested in development?

Browse the code, check out the SVN repository, or subscribe to the development log by RSS.


2.1.1 – 02/25/2016

  • added yourls_run_cron_jobs filter to allow users to disable the cron job

2.1.0 – 08/06/2015

  • added yourls_after_url_save action to post transitioning from future to publish (scheduled posts)

2.0.9 – 08/03/2015

  • added yourls_after_url_save action to fire when the custom URL is generated and stored

2.0.8 – 06/19/2015

  • added ability to set custom keyword prior to save
  • added yourls_user_cap filter for modifying default user capability
  • added yourls_settings_cap filter for modifying settings page capability
  • added yourls_keyword_filter filter for changing default keyword sanitation
  • added new legacy file to pick up old functions from Ozh’s plugin
  • added GitHub plugin updater support

2.0.7 – 02/14/2015

  • fixed bug with post row actions missing on drafts
  • updated cron job scheduling

2.0.6 – 02/13/2015

  • added scheduled posts to available post status
  • added yourls_post_status filter to modify these (although not sure why you’d want to)
  • added function to create a link when a post is moved from ‘scheduled’ to ‘publish’ if one doesn’t exist (requires setting update)
  • added API status check sidebox to the settings page

2.0.5 – 02/10/2015

  • fixed API URL construction to account for installs in a subfolder
  • added filter yourls_strip_urls to allow trailing slash removal (default is false)

2.0.4 – 02/09/2015

  • fixed API query args getting malformed before call
  • fixed content title sanitation encoding
  • forced POST method for API call and removed setting
  • added bulk import function for existing data
  • added yourls_display_box template tag to display front end box
  • added get_yourls_shortlink to return or echo the shortlink
  • added wp_ozh_yourls_raw_url to match previous plugin from Ozh

2.0.3 – 02/05/2015

  • added API key field show / hide to (hopefully) account for Chrome being aggressive on the field
  • removed ‘future’ from array of post types to create items on save

2.0.2 – 02/02/2015

  • fixed bug with creating link on post save

2.0.1 – 02/01/2015

  • added post title submission to API call
  • added option for using POST method instead of GET method to address API permission issues
  • nonce ALL THE THINGS

2.0.0 – 02/01/2015

  • updated UI to match current WP setup
  • rewrote javascript for better security
  • added post action row items for creating and updating counts
  • added check for possible 404 return on YOURLS server
  • a whole lot more

1.09 – 02/21/2013

  • bugfixes related to certain hosting configurations
  • minor JS cleanup

1.08 – 12/31/2012

  • change to allow scheduled posts to process URL call. props @ethitter

1.07 – 12/24/2012

  • better sanitizing of personal YOURLS URL
  • code cleanup

1.06 – 12/18/2012

  • included template tag for theme use. (See FAQs for usage)
  • added a ‘delete’ button for single links (See FAQs for details)
  • The YOURLS metabox will not appear until a post has been published.

1.05 – 12/10/2012

  • added a conversion tool from Ozh’s plugin to this one

1.04 – 12/09/2012

  • refactoring the wp_shortlink functionality

1.03 – 12/04/2012

  • Bugfix for post type checking

1.02 – 10/14/2012

  • Option for adding to specific post types
  • delay link creation until status is published
  • internationalization support


  • Added option to create link on post save
  • code cleanup


  • First release!