• Hi Team,

    I can’t deactivate the Troubleshooting mode. How can I go back to Normal mode?

    My Current setup

    WordPress 6.4.1
    PHP 8.1.2
    OS Ubuntu 22.04 LTS
    WooCommerce 8.2.2


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  • I understand that you have successfully installed the Health Check & Troubleshooting plugin and have used it to troubleshoot your site. However, you’re now attempting to disable the plugin but are unable to do so. No worries, I’m here to help you resolve this issue.

    Screenshot 1: https://prnt.sc/k91z0U_7aH8q
    Screenshot 2: https://prnt.sc/9adjkZHFIXpC

    Please check the two screenshots link I attached with this reply. This will help you narrow down the possible causes and identify the most effective solution.
    Good day!

    This still doesn’t work for me wither – its just “stuck” trying to disable it both from the pictures attached or the red “disable” button…nothing

    If that doesn’t work, can you deactivate the plugin under Plugins? Or delete the plugin directory via FTP? The latter in particular should help.

    I had the same problem. What I did was delete the plugin via ftp and then reinstall and activate it.

    The issue was resolved. Troubleshooting mode was automatically disabled.

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