• mendelcohen



    How do I center the content on my website.

    As you can see it is slightly to the left.

    If someone can help me center that it would be greatly appreciated.

    The page I need help with: [log in to see the link]

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  • It looks centered to me at least. Your main content is wrapped in hm-container div container. When I inspect, its 1200px wide and there is a 40px equal padding in both left and right. I see two inner divs wrapped inside this container, its the content and the sidebar.

    It appears slightly to the left because of how your content is displayed. You only have content but you don’t have sidebar. The empty sidebar only consumes white space.

    Moderator Felipe Santos


    Hi there,

    It is not slightly to the left. It looks like that because you are not using widgets, and the widget side is black.

    In case you don’t want it to use widgets, and just want your content, so please go to Appearance > Customize > Additional CSS, and paste this code:

    /* Remove widgets area */
    #primary.content-area {
        width: 95% !important;
        margin: auto!important;
    #secondary.widget-area {
        display: none !important;

    I can also see that you are using WordPress.com, so I don’t know if your plan allows you to do that.

    Due to the differences between the free hosted blogs offered at WordPress.com and the self-hosted and self-installed version of WordPress supported here, you should probably ask WordPress.com Support instead.

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