• Hi
    This is an excellent plugin and does what it supposed to do. But I’m having some silly issues like the submit button seems to be gray and the letters are white in my theme. May be it just a simple css issue, but how do i make changes or change the submit button color?
    How do i make the form fields look more attractive like the input box starts just after the letters but it will be nice if all the input box are aligned in order like right-aligned or something like that.


    The page I need help with: [log in to see the link]

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  • In the plugin directory -> assets -> css there is the funny_name.css file.

    If you are using a child theme, you can copy the css in your child theme style.css file and you can style everything as you like.

    If you are no using a child theme, you can go in customize -> additional css and insert the css style you want to modify

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