• Hi,

    I’ve changed the template I’m using (file: single.php):

    <h3><?php the_time('l j F Y') ?> by <?php the_author() ?></h3>


    <h3><?php the_time('l j F Y') ?> door <?php the_author() ?></h3>

    However, I don’t see any change on my site and I did clear my browser cache. What else could be wrong? I already tried the stuff on this page: http://codex.wordpress.org/I_Make_Changes_and_Nothing_Happens .

    Pieter De Decker

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  • Is your blog using the WP-Cache plugin?
    If so, visit options -> wp-cache and towards the bottom there’s a clear cache button. Try that and refresh your blog page.

    Thread Starter pdedecker


    Oops, it looks like I was editing the wrong template. Sorry for that…

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