• mivel


    To start off with an apology, as I couldn’t find the right category for this issue. This is a migration related problem.
    Now, my client has www.example.com website and wanted a redesign. After redesigning the website on my subdomain now we want to migrate it to make it official version of the website. The problem is that we cannot log in to cPanel and the company building the previous website can. Other than that, the client wanted to switch hosting. I’ve used Duplicator plugin for WordPress and transfered the files to new hosting and all I need to do is run www.example.com/installer.php to extract (migrate) the website. However, when I do that it gives me a 404 not found error. So, it is still pulling the old version since it’s not been taken down yet. It hit a some sort of paradox or just so it seems to me at least.
    The question is, if anybody can share his/her experience, what needs to be done in order to migrate it successfully? What would’ve happened if we told the other agency to shut down the site and then I try to extract the website on the new host? Any thoughts are most appretiated. Thank you.

    • This topic was modified 5 years ago by Jan Dembowski.
    • This topic was modified 5 years ago by Jan Dembowski. Reason: Moved to Fixing WordPress, this is not an Everything else WordPress topic
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  • If the site transfers to new hosting, it requires changes to DNS to point to the new hosts. Assuming this is already done, the problems you are seeing is might be due to DNS propagation It’s not yet completely resolving to your new hosts. It could by the installer.php file is not being located. Give it a few hours or at least a day to completely propagate.

    You can check the progress by doing a ping to the website. Check the IP address that is being returned by the ping command if its still the old host or the new host. With this you will know if there is something wrong with the domain DNS configuration.

    If you are sure that the IP address of the site is now pointing to the new hosts, then re-run the duplicator script and see how it goes.



    If you have a backup file, and then need to transfer for the new hosting provider, please make sure the nameserver from old hosting to new hosting. After change the nameserver, usually, this is need propagation period, maybe within 24-48 hours.

    After the propagation period, you can try to access your site, its go live or not. If still nothing changed, please try to clear cache your browser, or you can try access with proxy.

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