• rmaddock


    Hi folks!

    I hope this is the right place to ask and not too silly a question: here goes!

    I have a little website for my business. It’s been built with WordPress on my own bit of hosted cloud.

    The time has come when I want to split things up into various subdomains. I’ve successfully created the subdomains and they “work” as such. They are weddings.robertmaddock.com and funerals.robertmaddock.com.

    I’m trying to use a single SQL database as that’s all I’ve got at the moment. I’ve changed the table prefixes for the new subdomains from wp_ to wedd_ and fun_ respectively.

    I want to take the existing site from the root domain and copy it to the weddings.* subdomain. I’ve installed WP in the subdomain and editted the wp_config file accordingly for the existing database. I’ve then “export”ed from the old domain and “import”ed to the new.

    Apart from an image or two, it apparently works. BUT although all of the pages etc have copied across, it doesn’t completely copy. For example, it’s using posts as the homepage rather than my fixed page and the template doesn’t seem to be working either.

    So, the question is, what’s the best way to migrate/copy the existing site to a new subdomain whilst using the same database with different table prefixes?

    Thanks in anticipation.

    The page I need help with: [log in to see the link]

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  • If you are migrating to a multisite manually, you should use correct prefix to be appended to the site. Depending on how you are doing this, this can be a complex procedure as it involves a lot of things in the process which can cause a lot of issues with your site.

    The correct prefix is being added by WordPress the moment the site is created in multisite (e.g. in Site -> Add new site). If you migrate to this site, the prefix should still be preserved and still correct. It should not change.

    I would suggest to use a multisite migration plugin in this case, which handles the process automatically and correctly.

    Is that a multisite installation you are talking about? In the description, nowhere I find a mention of multisite. So I am assuming you have a normal WordPress installation that you want to migrate and then you would like it to convert to a multisite installation.

    1. If you still have a normal WordPress installation, all you need to do is change the site URL and home URL. You can do it before migration or after migration by changing the site URL and home URL in prefix_options table.

    After you change the URL, make sure to replace the URLs in your posts and pages to point to the new domain. You will need to do a search and replace. Either use a plugin or do it in phpMyAdmin.

    2. But if you did mean moving the multisite installation, then you need to change the site URLs in many places. This guide may come handy in that case.

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