Supporting The Associated Press

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Help us expand the reach of factual reporting.

AP and philanthropy share an interest in ensuring the public has access to accurate news about issues that threaten our society, whether a pandemic, economic turmoil, climate change or inequality. This mission has never felt more urgent.

No organization does more to advance the power of facts. Working with foundations, we believe we can do so much more.

Audience reach

More than half the world’s population sees AP journalism every day.

Award-winning content

We’ve won 59 Pulitzer Prizes since the award was established.


We innovate with tools and technology to modernize the news industry.

Help us inform the public about the issues that matter

Working with organizations that share our commitment to the importance of an informed society helps AP’s newsroom fulfill its journalism mission. Support from foundations helps AP expand coverage and provide services that strengthen the entire news industry.

  • Expand capacities

    Help us develop additional capacity or expertise to better carry out impactful reporting.

  • Advance new skills

    Assist AP journalists in developing new skills and storytelling techniques suited to new ways of gathering, showing and sharing the news.

  • Incubate innovations

    Support software, design or engineering innovation to deliver news faster or more efficiently.

  • Develop new tools

    Help AP and the news industry better adapt to the rapidly changing digital world.

Advancing the power of facts


Help The Associated Press to further advance the power of facts.

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Browse a selection of our work supported by foundations

About us

We are The Associated Press. We have a long-standing role setting the industry standard for ethics in journalism. It is our job — more than ever before — to report the news accurately and honestly.

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Our people

In nearly 250 locations worldwide, our teams strive for excellence, inside and outside the newsroom. Our journalists go to great lengths, often overcoming tremendous obstacles, to report the news quickly, accurately and honestly, with the utmost attention paid to AP’s news values and principles.

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What we do

We work with companies across all industries to provide engaging stories that resonate with their target audiences and customers.

More than 15,000 news outlets and a range of businesses worldwide connect with their audiences using our multiformat content.


Our awards and recognition

The outstanding work of our journalists has been recognized with numerous awards. We’ve won 59 Pulitzer Prizes, including 36 for photography, since the award was established in 1917.

That is more than any other news organization in the categories for which we can compete.

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Here are some of the organizations who have helped us expand our resources and capabilities:

AP’s philanthropic supporters and news collaborators include:

Current philanthropic supporters

Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation
Carnegie Corporation of New York
Charles Schwab Foundation
Charles Stewart Mott Foundation
Climate and Land Use Alliance
The Eric and Wendy Schmidt Fund for Strategic Innovation
Hearthland Foundation
The Hollyhock Foundation
Howard Hughes Medical Institute Department of Science Education
Ida B. Wells Society
John S. and James L. Knight Foundation
Jonathan Logan Family Foundation
KR Foundation
Lilly Endowment
Nathan Cummings Foundation
Outrider Foundation
Overdeck Family Foundation
Patrick J. McGovern Foundation
Pivotal Philanthropies Foundation
Public Welfare Foundation
Pulitzer Center on Crisis Reporting
Report for America

Reva & David Logan Foundation
Robert Wood Johnson Foundation
The Rockefeller Foundation
Skoll Foundation
Stardust Fund
Walton Family Foundation
William + Flora Hewlett Foundation

Current newsroom collaborators

Center for Public Integrity
Chronicle of Philanthropy
The Conversation
The Hechinger Report
Idaho Education News
Maynard Institute for Journalism Education
The Markup
The Nieman Foundation for Journalism at Harvard
Open Campus
Religion News Service


Past philanthropic supporters

Columbia Journalism School
European Journalism Centre
Google News Initiative
International Women’s Media Foundation
Lenfest Institute for Journalism
McGraw Center for Business Journalism
Solutions Journalism Network

Past newsroom collaborators

Brown Institute for Media Innovation
Indian Country Today
Institute for Nonprofit News
Kaiser Health News
Missouri School of Journalism
Reveal from the Center for Investigative Reporting
The Fuller Project
The Marshall Project

Get in touch

To find out more about how our content and services can help your organization

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